Part 24

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My mom was crying. I need to console her. It is my responsibility though, they don't want me as their son for me being me, but I have to do my duty as a son.

Thime came near me and said," Sky let the old man die. What has he done so we have to stay here and tend to him? See your face, they had swollen as hell because of him. Sadly, you got to expose yourself just because of me. I feel so guilty"

"Thime, that is not appropriate to say. I don't know, I hate him so much. But seeing him in that situation, I could not let him like that. So, stop talking about him ill", I said.

Why did I want to help him? He treated me like crap just a few minutes before, yet I am here. I sat far away from my mom who was crying.

By then, a doctor came out to inform me that my father's condition.

"Are you Mr. Thiwan's relatives?"

"Yes Doctor", I answered. My mom raised from her chair and stand closer to me to listen to what the doctor is about to say.

"He is doing fine. And he is out of danger. But don't let him see or hear any shocking news."

My mother eyed me.

"Thank you, doctor.", I said and he left.

We were sitting there away from my mother because she is thinking that I and my brother have got the Gay virus and it is contagious and some sort like that. Though we are waiting for my father to get normal, no one talked with each other.

My mother was talking to someone in distance. I don't know who that was. I left her to be herself.

Theim came and informed us that our Uncle and Aunt came to see our papa. Mr. Psycho Killer is the name that we have given to that uncle. He is Tawan, my father's oldest brother, giving tough to my father.

My grandfather worked in the Military and did not show any sort of fatherly love towards any of his sons, so the result is that two men cannot show fatherly love towards their children.

Actually, he had a child, my cousin, Pharm, he committed suicide, when he was in high school, not able to cope with the pressure given by his parents to excel in all sorts of things.

How can a child excel in everything, in academics, sports, music, dance, abacus, in chess? Is that a human brain or any sort of operating system?

So, my mom is talking to him. He was heading towards me and my brother. He was a killer.

"Sky, how are you?", he asked me. He talks so sweetly, but we should never fall for his words. Because he is such so toxic uncle.

"Fine Uncle", I replied to him.

"How are you Thiem?", he asked patting my brother's shoulder.

"Fine", he said. At least, I gave him some respect, he never considered him a human.

The most affected person after Pharm's death was my brother. They were so close. But everything was shattered because of him.

"Sons, Just now I heard about your father's condition from your mother.", there was a pause.

"She also said about you both announcing that you both are not real men who cannot woo bitches but want dicks inside you"

"Uncle, talk respectfully"

"Why the hell should I give respect to you? See you are ruining our family's reputation. Our family has a legacy, I cannot stand you both ruining them"

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