Part 1

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The wait is over. I finished high school with good grades and I got admission to one of the top institutions in the Country. I am going to leave my place and move to my University. This is what I wanted for a very long time.

The day figured out, that my family was homophobic, but I am gay made me very strong at one thing I have to leave my place to find the love of my life.

I am Gay. I love men. All these started when we practiced for a drama in school. Our school is an all-male school.

Even the teachers were male. When I was studying in VIII grade. I was cast for Belle from the beauty and the beast. I still don't know in what way I resembled Belle. But after that my perception of myself changed completely.

I craved more love like belle got from the beast. At a very young age, I neglected my feeling thinking that all these are because of the hormones but as I grew older and older I cannot keep lying to myself about the fact that I am not what everyone thinks.

"Sky! Have you packed all of your things?", my mom asked me barging into my room.

"Yeah ma", I stated. But my eyes were still around my room, which I am going to miss after I went to my new college dorm.

This room holds most of my memory from every stage of my life, this room has been an integral part of my life. So, leaving this room is a bit emotional for me.

But on the bright side, my mind was planning to date, settle, and have all the fun that I have missed all these years of 18 years.

New place, new friends, everything is going to be completely new.

"I will miss you.", she said hugging me.

"I will miss you too mom. But I promise I will come every two weeks to home.", I promised.

"Eat healthily and stay focused on your studies.", she instructed me.

"Sure.", I acknowledged.

"Sky the taxi came. Come fast.", my father shouted from below.

"Okay let's leave.", my mother said.

I reached my university dorm, it was so good. It is like living in a movie. I was eagerly waiting for my roommate to come. Because your fun is guaranteed based on the roommate you get.

The only thought that ran into my mind was the scenes from the series Tharn Type. How beautiful their lives were as a roommate? Though their relationship started with a bit of complication, anyhow their life was really an inspiration to me. I wanted a guy like Tharn.

But I cannot suggest that I am a guy-like type because I can fall easily for a guy like Tharn. And I am not homophobic.

All my high school days I sneaked and watched the Bl series and drama and never let anyone know that I am a fan of the Bl series or Comics.

That was a golden age, When I would say to my parents that I have to learn in the library and I would come to the city's most private restaurant and using their wifi I would download the Bl series and watch them.

Hope I don't have to pretend like that anymore.

So, the one person I am waiting for is my roommate. Hope he is a good person. Suddenly the door opened and came in the most average person I have ever looked into.

He wore shorts and a tank top. He neither looked like a nerd nor like a Jock. He was a very average-looking guy with blond died hair.

"Hello Roomie!!", I said. Making my first move similar to the Tharn Type Series.

"Hello. I am Zack. I am from the department of Medical Science.", he said.

"I am Sky from the department of Architecture.", I said.

"Nice to meet you.", He informed and started to plug in his phone to one of the plug points.

"I will take this side. If you have no issues.", he said.

"Yeah no issues.", I said.

The day was so dull. He was not a most-talking person. He did not talk much. So, did I.

I went out to see the other members in the dorm and found out not many architecture students were in the dorm, they all preferred staying outside of the dorm.

I have got to sleep to wake up early in the morning. Shit on wandering outside the building I got lost.

Where the hell I am? The buildings here are so confusing. I remember my room number 14A, and every room here looks so similar.

I wandered again and again and came to the same place.

One guy who was there seems like a senior and came to initiate a talk with me.

"Do you need any help?", he asked.

"Yes, I have lost my way to my room. It is 14A.", I said on looking at him. Only his silhouette was visible in the dark. I could not see his face more clearly. But he seemed like a tall man with a good physique.

"Are you new here?", He asked.

"Yes fresher, in the department of Architecture.", I said.

"That's great", he said.

"So, go straight and the second building on your left after the pole is the fresher's dorm. And since it is 14A, I guess You would be on the second floor right?", he asked.

"Yeah, yes Second floor." I stammered.

"Thank you P'", I said in a haste and started to walk away. But I wanted to ask his name and department too. Since he was so nice to the juniors, he must be a senior.

"By the way I am Prapai", he said.

"Oh, thank you, and Nice to meet you.", I said and headed fast to my room. I know I am a bit awkward at my social skills and many even said that straight to my face.

I came to my room fast without being lost and laid down on my bed with the satisfaction and determination to build a good memory in this University rather than a bitter past in my school days. 

Thanks guys for reading this story. I have been so excited about the story of Sky and Prapai. So I cannot stop myself from writing one about them. Keep reading and Keep supporting the story. Love you guys a lot.😊

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