Act 8, Chapter 6

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When you walked in through the front door, you didn't realized that it was quiet and when you did you were too scared to be glad about it in fear the phone would start ringing at any second again.

Chrollo greeted you as you stepped into the living room, you had the book hidden behind your back.

he was sitting on the couch from which spot he looked at you with the corners of his mouth lifted into a smile.

you took a quick side glance at the TV but it was off and he didn't have a book laying nearby or in his hands so he was probably sitting there in complete silence.

your eyebrows furrowed slightly, almost unnoticeable.

did he just sit here and stare at nothing the whole time you were gone?

because he was certainly still sitting in the same spot and same position as you left him in.

you decide to ignore it, to bury that weirdness in the far back of your brain so that it wouldn't bother you.

"I'm sorry about the thing with Abir.." you say as you pull out the book from behind your back and present it to him.

"You told me that you've already read all the books from the study room so I thought I could get you a new one from the city's library to cheer you up" you say and hand the book to Chrollo.

he smiles.

a genuine smile.

"thank you" he says sincerely with a smile, the white of his perfect teeth showing.

he stands up and before you can step aside to give him space he wraps his arms around your body, hugging you.

you're froze for a moment, unsure of what to do.

Chrollo rests his chin on your shoulder and speaks.

"you don't have to feel bad about it anymore, you apologized and I believe you that you didn't intend to do me any harm" he says but he doesn't apologize for saying that you don't think at all after he made you hang up on Abir.

he leans his upper body away from you, his arms still around you and the rest of his body still pressed flush against yours.

he stays like this for a while, just looking at you and when you finally manage to look into his eyes as well there is something in his that seems darker than usual and it made you uncomfortble.

uncomfortable enough to clear your throat akwardly and free yourself from his arms around you.

he didn't comment on it.

the rest of the day you occupied yourself with cleaning and being on your phone.

you had a phone call with your parents while you were tidying up the living room, Chrollo was so deeply caught up in the book you got him that he wasn't at all bothered with you pacing around and making noises all around the house.

you didn't know why but something felt off and you kept thinking about the book you found in the library, the one of the local authors that hinted there once was a cult in this city.

maybe next time you went there, while bringing back the book you got for Chrollo, you would use one of the computers with the digitalisied newspapers of the past decades.

but you didn't know if you would be able to manage bringing it back during the week due to your shifts at work.

you took a shower after you cleaned everything in the house that needed cleaning and when you went back into your room, already dressed in your pyjamas, Chrollo was sitting on the windowsill with the window wide open.

it wasn't exactly freezing cold anymore but the temperatures outside still low enough to make you shiver for a moment after you took a hot shower.

"how do you like the book?" you ask Chrollo and he redirects his gaze from somehere outside the window to you.

he had changed his place to read from the living room to your bedroom where he has been sitting on the windowsill ever since.

but he wasn't reading anymore right now, he seemed to have only been staring out the window, the book lowered into his lap.

"the book is amazing. I particularly enjoy the novel to be epistolary." he says and a smile spreads across his face.

that makes you smile as well, pride swelling in your chest as you realise you really made a good choice with such a classic.

"I'm surprised you weren't already familiar with the's quiet the classic" you say and let yourself fall down onto your bed.

you're quiet exhausted from all the cleaning you did, from walking around eggshells until now because you couldn't quiet guess Chrollo's mood and intentions since this morning.

"I am usually not the type to read fiction, I'm surprised myself of how much I enjoy this novel. I've heard about it and knew a few things but reading it myself is a positive experience." Chrollo says and gets off the windowsill before walking over to your bed as well and sitting at the end of the bed in front of you.

"Me too, I've hear a lot about it though I didn't read it" you lean back against the headboard of your bed, enjoy the bit of warmth your hot skin puts into the pillow and sheets to make the heat last a little longer.

"That's such a shame, you really should!" Chrollo says with a big smile.

"Once I'm done reading it I'm going to tell you so you can read it yourself" he adds.

"I'm probably not going to read it, but you can tell me about it."

you stand up to turn off the lights.

"do you mind if I close the window? It's getting really cold.." you ask him and he tells you that he doesn't mind.

you blindly find your way back to the bed after closing the window and turning off the lights, your only guidance being his voice telling you about the storyline of the book.

a/n: pls don't come at me for how long this chapter took, I know it and I'm really sorry 👉🏻👈🏻
also, I think it's important to clarify that the current time in the story is mid October. I planned the whole timeline while I was planning this work to kinda help me stay on writing but well..that didn't work so now it's all messed up :,)
anyways, I probably said it already but this book is starting to near its end which makes my procastination (?) even worse. I love this book (tho i know there are probably a ton of mistakes in here and not only grammar wise but also things that don't add up so I'm going to go trough everything once the book is done to make it all make more sense (hopefully)) and I'm just so sad that this book will have to end :( it feels like yesterday that I started?? and now i have to realize this book is going on for almost two years in a few months?? like hello?? nah uh. but my emotional side is for the last chapter or last authors note or smt so until then I just wanna keep enjoying writing the book :) thank you all for being so patient with me <3

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