Act 8, Chapter 2

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Chrollo was still staring you down when you turned back around, his expression everything but pleasant.

"she tried to exorcise me, (y/n)." he said, his voice monotone and almost cold.

you could tell how hard he was trying to not sound accusing.

it took you a moment to reply.

"that was way in the beginning, back when I was-" you started but he interrupted you.

"that does not change a thing. at least not to me. it's her line of work, her profession, to exorcise ghosts. and do not forget that she left you behind and all by yourself when she was so convinced I was evil, when even you were still scared of me." he argued, taking an impossible step closer to you.

you took one back in return, pressing yourself against the wall where the small table with the telephone stood.

he was right.

she did leave you behind but she was just as scared as you were and if you had the choice to run away back then, you would've taken it.

but you did not have the choice back then, leaving the house behind was not an option at the time and it still isn't.

"I didn't think-" you started once more, wanting to just apologize to not make the situation worse than it already is, but he interrupted you once again.

"right. you didn't think." Chrollo stated before his gaze softened.

you would've lied if you said his words didn't make your heart drop.

you opened your mouth but closed it again, freezing in shock at his harsh words.

"if it were to be true that I am a bad entity, a demon perhaps, she would have left you for dead." he added, his eyes digging into yours.

"did you really forget this?" he asks but the tone of his voice makes it more of a statement.

the only thing you can really do is look at Chrollo and that's how you noticed his demeanor change suddenly, how he seemed to put on a mask.

his shoulders relaxed, his gaze softened before turning to a concerned one as his hands gently grabbed your shoulders.

"I just don't want you around people like her." he says, suddenly seeming smaller in size and much less intimidating.

you nod at his words to show him that you've acknowledged what he said.

"do you understand?" he asks nevertheless and you nod once more.

his lips curle into a smile giving you a faint flash of his perfect-white teeth.

this however only gives his smile a pint of danger.

like he is fletching his teeth to remind you where you belong.

you shale this all off though, he is just concerned and cares about you. that's all.

he's just a bit overprotective and you tell yourself that you understand since he can only be there for you inside the house.

you brush it off, his weird behavior and don't question it further.

just like you did all those times before.

he let's go of your shoulders and steps back, you immediately feel your body easing the tension it build up.

Chrollo gives you another smile that you only very faintly are able to return.

suddenly the phone rings, making you flinch.

there is still a bit of leftover from the tension from just a few moments ago in the air, keeping you s bit on edge.

you turn around to look at the display of the telephone, wanting to see who it is before picking up.

Chrollo is doing the same, looking at the display from over your shoulder.

the number is not saved and therefore has no name to it but you recognize it as Abir's anyways, having dialed that number just a minute or two ago.

"who is it?" Chrollo asks.

"Abir.." you say, quietly.

"do not pick up." he says in response, emphasizing the 'not' with some pressure in his voice.

you feel bad.

you were the one calling Abir and then hanging up, now she was calling you back and you had to fight with your morals about whether you accepted her call or not.

if you did you would probably anger Chrollo, which you told yourself he had every right to.

did you not, you would probably either anger Abir or make her worried. Perhaps even both.

you were facing two evils and as it comes down to it you choose the one you cannot easily ignore.

you don't pick up, earning yourself an approving smile from Chrollo that you were not too happy with.

you swallow down a sigh, forcing it down your throat where it almost painfully makes it's way down to your stomach and it settles there with a bit of nausea and a generally bad feeling about ignoring the call back.

the phone rings for a while, being forced quiet by your mailbox that Abir does not leave a message on.

and yet she doesn't seem satisfied as she calls again only a few minutes later.

the ringing starts to haunt you so you sat down in the conservatory to try and escape it.

you closed the sliding glass door shut but the ringing of the phone still came through faintly.

if you concentrated enough, you could hear it more clearly.

you shot a gaze at Chrollo who sat on the sofa with a book in hand that he probably knows in and out by now.

he was quick to catch your gaze and smiled while shaking his head no ever so slightly, denying your silent request of picking up the phone just so it would stop ringing.

by then it had rung 8 times already, ringing for a solid minute each time.

it was starting to drive you insane and upon catching a glimpse of the book Chrollo had in his hands, you found away to escape the ringing phone.

you got out of the conservatory and wordlessly went upstairs into your room where you got ready.

maybe today the local library was open and you could finally get Chrollo a new book to read.

not only would this work as a kind of apology to him for you wanting to call Abir but it would also work as an escape from the constant ringing Abir was causing that you could not imagine Chrollo did not care about at all the way he acted.

help i'm almost in tears bcs Ran Takahashi watched my instagram story where i reposted one of his vacation pics

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