Act 5, Chapter 3

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You didn't know if you should say thank you or even wanted to do so, so you just kept quiet and pretended not to notice that he had helped you as you stood up with the laundry basket in your arms and turned towards the stairs.

You were about to start running upstairs when an ice-cold hand slid down your back, grabbed the hem of your shirt on the lower half on your back with two fingers and shook it.

"You should dust off that sofa in the basement." Chrollo said simply, his voice not much more than a whisper.

You just nodded like you were in a trance before walking up the stairs and into your bedroom in the same state.

You closed the door to the bedroom, put the basket down before falling face down on your bed.

How could you fix it all?

Or at least make it more comfortable?

And all without any help.

You felt like crying again, you just weren't sure if it was out of anger or sadness or stress.

After sorting yourself again you started to put away the freshly washed clothes.

You carefully opened your bedroom door, when you saw nothing and nobody in the hallway you made your way to the stairs and then down just as carefully.

Chrollo wasn't in the basement either, when you went down the basement stairs he wasn't there.

Not that it bothered you that he was gone, of course.

Even if you had to agree to a life with him, you were quite alright not to have to meet him.

Tomorrow was Monday and your first day at work and now that Chrollo obviously didn't mind the lights anymore you were all the happier to have something to do that kept you out of the house.

You loved the house, really, but it was Chrollo that made you not like ir as much as you would if he wasn't there.

The day dragged on painfully because you had always expected Chrollo to suddenly be somewhere in the house to
encounter him.

In the evening you sat on the couch and watched a movie.

You had put the blanket that was usually folded on the couch over your legs because it was almost freezing in the house.

Chrollo had opened the window again and you hadn't noticed until about half an hour ago.

You had opened one of the windows in the guest room yourself and opened both doors from the conservatory, the one that led outside and the one that separated the conservatory from the living room, to get fresh air in faster.

However, it got cold and dark quicker than you expected and when you closed both doors again it was already too late.

The blanket that was lying over your legs suddenly slipped down a bit and when you tried to pull it back up to you it got stuck somewhere.

You averted your gaze from the TV and looked at the other end of the couch.

Chrollo sat on the armrest and you flinched violently.

His gaze, like yours before, was on the television.

He turned his head towards you quite slowly when he saw your sudden movement in the corner of his eye.

"Is something the matter?" he asked.

You just looked at him for another moment before shaking your head.

He then nodded briefly, smiled for a moment and looked back at the television.

Shortly thereafter you followed suit.

You found it hard to just pretend that Chrollo wasn't there, like he wasn't a spirit capable of momentarily possessing someone elses body so you quickly became restless.

You wanted to ask questions, there was so much you wanted to know to make this life as easy as possible for yourself.

The restlessness in your head quickly transferred to your body and you kept moving your arms, your legs, changing your position or changing the angle of your head.

Your restlessness did not go unnoticed.

"You seem to have something burning on your tongue.  Ask what you want to ask and say what's on your mind.  I promise to try to answer you as best I can."

And there it was again, that smile.

And this look that seemed to be the same as the one he usually had, but there was still something different about it.

Would he really not get mad?  Could you really say everything you wanted?

You could do that at any time, it was just a question of whether you would get an answer.

But you wouldn't know if you didn't ask.

It was just your head trying to talk you out of it, your body was okay with it.

You didn't feel like you had anything to fear and the slight tension in the room came entirely from you.

You cleared your throat, not wanting to look like how you felt about Chrollo, weak and afraid.

"So..." you faltered, despite wanting to ask.

You rephrased the words in your head before speaking them, struggling to speak them carefully.

"How did did you die?" you asked.

You actually had many other questions that might even be more important than this one, but you just had to know if he even answered them.

Chrollo's eyes were on you, nothing moved in his face but his mouth when he spoke.

"Strangers broke in and killed me."

You didn't know what to say, couldn't.

You didn't expect something like that.

But what did you expect when a young man suddenly dies?

Definitely not a heart attack, but something like that?

Suddenly you felt sorry for Chrollo like you never did before.

You had only seen him as somewhat of an enemy until now, as someone you didn't want around.

You hadn't considered that Chrollo might just be looking for someone to comfort him since his life was taken so suddenly.

"I'm incredibly sorry.." You apologized to him,you didn't know why exactly.

After all you had nothing to do with his death.

At the time he died you weren't even born.

Maybe you just felt so terribly sorry for him because he wasn't much older than you by the time of his death?

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