Act 6, Chapter 8

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When you woke up in the middle of the night, you didn't even remember how you peeled off your jacket and shoes and got into your bed.

But what you did know was that someone was lying next to you.

The mattress hadn't just bent under your body, but also under another one against which you were almost lying.

You were hot and cold at the same time and again and again a shiver threatened to run over your body and again and again you fought against the reflex of shaking it off with your head or your shoulders.

That worked, but only a few times.

You also knew who was in your bed with you and didn't want to wake that person up.

If your nose wasn't stuffed from the cold, you would probably have noticed his smell before you could see his body against you.

He always smelled like some fire and smoke, like the pages of books, kind of metallic and... fresh?

Was it even the right word to describe his smell?

Your head was trying to keep your body from kicking away the blanket that was covering you both.

Because even if you were no longer afraid of Chrollo, you didn't want to wake him up.

If you weren't sick, you might even enjoy this moment.

But as much as your head was fighting the reflexes of your body, it was impossible.

But after a few minutes that felt like an eternity to you, you couldn't take it anymore.

The heat under the covers and the heat the cold added to your body became unberable.

You kicked the blanket off of you with your feet, it took another moment for you to feel at least a little bit cooler though and even that wasn't enough.

When you peeked over to your bedroom window you coul see that it was closed.

Through the little bit of light the moon granted you, you could make out raindrops falling from the sky and a moment later you were able to hear them fall against your window as well.

It took you an enormous amount of strenght to force your feet to swing over the edge of the bed and land on the floor, it took you even more will and strenght to actually stand up.

'This one time I would like the window open it's closed' you thought and made your way to the middle of the bed before walking straight to reach the window.

Your legs felt weak and wobbly, like a jelly where a bit too much gelantine was added that made it impossible to enjoy.

But you managed to get to the window, somehow.

You took a look at Chrollo, he was still sleeping peacefully.

You twisted the handle of the window, pulled on it to make it creek open.

When it did, a fresh gust of wind caressed your face almost lovingly.

The cold air felt nice in your red, puffed and heated face.

You sighed in satisfaction before opening your eyes that you had closed to take in the cold wind fully.

Something pink caught your eye, then something that looked like an eel vanishing behind the trees into the forest and something dark purple seemed to fuse with the dark greens of the wood around it until you couldn't see it anymore.

Your heart stopped, deattached from your chest to slowly fall into your stomach just to pass it and fall out of your body.

You pressed your eyes shut for a slight moment just to rip them open again, the bright pink...something was still there.

The rain suddenly seemed louder, almost drowning out everything else and you felt like you were sinking in a large body of water.

You couldn't even think and when a large hand laid on top of your shoulder you couldn't even scream or move or do anything at all.

The hand turned you around, ripping your gaze off the bright pink in the dark woods only to make them meet big dark eyes.

For a second you didn't recognize the person in front of you, only the forehead tattoo gave it away and only when you remembered who this tattoo belonged to you were able to relax at least a bit.

''What's wrong?'' Chrollo asked but you felt like you couldn't speak so you wanted to turn your head around to hint at whatever made you feel so out of control.

But when you started to turn your head Chrollo took your face in his hands and locked you basically in place.

''Talk to me'' he demanden, looking you deep in the eyes and caressing your cheeks with his thumbs.

You closed your eyes to take a deep breath and when you did and opened your eyes again, Chrollos eyes weren't focused on you anymore but rather the forest outside.

The look on his face was unreadable.

His features looked like they always did, his grimace in the same neutral expression you were used to.

But there was something else.

Something that felt so familiar and yet like you had never experienced it before.

Was it...rage? No, no. Definitly not.

You were barely able to get a peek of his strange expression to be able to really describe it.

''(y/n), what is wrong?'' he asked once more, breaking your stream of thought.

This time his voice sounded much more commanding rather than concerned, it almost startled you.

You flinched away slightly.

Your mind was just so overstimulated by the cold you catched, the fevery state your body was in and you not being able to determin what this pink somethin out there in the woods was.

When Chrollo realized you had flinched away from him, his expression became completly soft.

There was no ounce of anger, or concern or anything else; just pure softness.

''I'm sorry'' he said quickly, pulling you close and into a hug.

You were so stunned and confused that you just let it happen, forgot about what you just saw.

But the heat of Chrollo's body became too much for you to handle so you pulled your head back to ask him to let go.

And then you saw it once more; this warning and dangerous expression.

But it was not directed to you, it was meant for something behind you.

For some reason you didn't want Chrollo to know that you saw his facial expression so you looked straight against his chest before, with a lot of movement, started to just free yourself physically from him.

And once again his eyes, almost his entire face was so much different from what you got to catch a glimpse of just moments before.

A shiver ran down your spine and the hair at the back of your neck stood up almost painfully.

(as justadesolateteacup would say) pretty boy Chrollo

---------------------------------------------(as justadesolateteacup would say) pretty boy Chrollo

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