Act 8, Chapter 5

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'In face of the current events this book is for you, all my fellow townspeople, so you can save yourself from a may future similar event as the devil mustn't stop feasting until he's devoured it all'

you take a involuntary step back at the words of the very first page.

there is no publisher listed, once again no author and not date of publication.

'in the face of current events' you repeat in your head, your eyebrows furrowing as you try to make sende of if.

does this actually indicate that there was a cult in this town?

your eyebrows furrow even more, your breath almost hitching in your throat before you shake your head and a dry, silent laugh leaves your lips.

that is simply impossible.

if it was true, you'd know by now.

people would be talking about it, no matter how long ago it was.

the city would've made it into a attraction, a museum or at least a remembrance of some sort for some attention.

attention is attention after all and you were certain that the city's government wouldn't have let a possibility like this slip through their fingers.

you place the book back on the shelf, laying it almost carelessly on top the rest of the books as you're irritated by the misleading title and the authors note at the very beginning.

you sigh before turning around with another head shake and making your way to the reception at the front to check out with the book you picked for Chrollo.

As you make your way to the front, you pass some of the tables you saw as you entered the library and when you first did catch a glimpse of them they were empty but now one of the big tables is occupied by one singular person.

you didn't hear anyone enter and the only other people you saw in the library were the lady at the front desk that didn't even look at you and the person passing by you when you were in the paranormal isle.

but the person sitting on the table is not the same person that passed you by, the golden blond hair too attention catching to miss if they were the person to have passed you by.

you don't even know why you wonder about it so much, why you are so intrigued about the new person sitting there.

there is a book laying on the table, right next to him.

his index finger is hovering over some letters in the book while his other hand writes something down on a notebook he has laid out as well.

his eyes switch from book to notebook several times as he seems to copy some lines or write information down, when you notice you're staring at him you quickly dart your gaze elsewhere.

with a quiet deep breath you resume to what you were doing before so shamelessly staring at the stranger and you mutter an apology to him in your head for doing so.

you keep walking, leaving the table with the blond man behind you within a few big steps.

"Hello" you say nicely as you come to a stand in front of the reception, making the lady look up.

she gifts you a warm smile and you notice the book that's laying lower on her desk, your first impression of her wiped away.

she didn't mean to ignore you at all, she sunk away in the book she was reading.

"I wanted to lend this book" you say, laying the book on the counter for her to take a look.

"yes, of course" she say with another smile, taking the book and a list where she writes the title and author of the book as well as your name after you told her it.

she writes down some more of your contact information before she gives you the book back and tells you to have a nice day which you wish her as well before you leave the library.

cold autumn air slashes your face as you open the door to get outside, your joints almost giving in at their longing for the warmth of the library.

you hurry to walk out and close the door behind you to not let too much cold into the library for the sake of the lady at the desk and the other two people in there.

you rather hurriedly walk to your car, sitting down in the drivers seat and putting the book on the passenger seat before buckling your seatbelt.

before you start the engine though, you take your phone out to check the time.

barely more than an hour has passed since you left, you sigh.

you don't really feel like going back already.

you don't really know what it is, but something about what you know is happening at home makes you upset.

sure, Chrollos tone wasn't as nice and considerate as usual but you can't blame him.

he is right with what he said, his distrust to Abir and yet there is this quiet voice in the back of your head that tells you that there is more to it.

and it doesn't matter how hard and how often you try to shove this thought out of your head or at least in a tiny unused department of your head, it stays.

you will apologize, once more, to him for trying to contact Abir even though you still worry about her and the things she wanted to tell you so desperately by calling you numerous of times today.

you're hoping that she stopped calling for today, that she won't call during the night and that thinking about her won't distract you during work tomorrow.

you hope that the saying 'out of sight, out of mind' will prove it's powers.

you can already feel Hisoka's looming presence next to you once you enter work tomorrow and you're really not looking too forward to him and his endless talking.

but thinking about Hisoka made you remember the plate he brought you when he visited two days earlier and how you didn't see it again on the kitchen counter after you went upstairs later the same evening to write in the notebook.

not that you were actually planning on eating the food he prepared but it was a nice gesture and you didn't even get a look at it.

'weird' you thought before you started the engine and drove off the parking lot of the library.

the first one shot will follow right after this chapter I hope you all can enjoy it :)

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