Act 5, Chapter 8

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You wanted, no needed, to know what had happened the night Chrollo died.

His death appeared to have been quite brutal.

People breaking into his house had just killed him.

Even if the internet didn't exist back then, something like that must have ended up in a newspaper.

This town was small and especially small towns tended to panic when there was a crime going on in it.

Sure, the house had been built in the forest area on the outskirts of town, but it still belonged to it.

,,We're fine. Tell me, how was your first day at work?" your mother asked.

"One moment, I'll put you on speaker.  Dad is there too." She quickly added and shortly afterwards a deep 'Hello' was heard from your father.

You giggled in return.

By now you had unlocked your phone and opened the web browser.

"It was good, I think I did well. The boss explained everything to me in detail. I even have a colleague for the beginning who will teach me everything and is by my side, his name is Hisoka." You said, putting your unlocked phone aside for a moment as you couldn't concentrate on both.

"And what's he like?" your mother asked excitedly and you knew exactly why she was asking and why she sounded so excited.

"Mom!" you replied almost horrified into the receiver, on the other side you heard a light laugh.

"I'm just asking!" she replied, repeating her question about how Hisoka was.

"I don't get along with him that well, at least in my opinion." You admitted and picked up your phone again.

"He talked to me a lot, but not about the job. He asked a lot of very...specific and personal questions..." you thumbed in Chrollo's first name.

"What kind of things? Maybe he just wanted to get to know you better, you're colleagues now." Your mother replied.

"Well.. just personal things. I felt like I was being interrogated..." your voice trailed off as you tried to remember Chrollo's last name.

'Anything connected with the devil...Satan?  No...Lucifer?  Almost... Lucilfer? Bingo!'

You entered the first half of his last name.

"For example, he wanted to know exactly where I live, whether I live with someone else, why I've moved, what my full name and my birthday are, why this city of all places...he even asked me what deodorant and perfume I use which I found incredibly creepy. I then stopped him when he wanted to accompany me to my car.." Your voice got quieter again, you entered the second half of Chrollo's last name.

"I understand a couple of the first questions, but especially the last question you mentioned sound...very strange.  Have you already told your bo-" you had just pressed 'search' when your mother's voice suddenly broke off.

"Hello? Mom?" You asked a few times on the phone but there was no answer.

You looked at the phone screen, the call had been dropped.

When you looked at your cell phone, search results were still being sought and when you went to check the internet and wifi on your cell phone, you noticed that both were gone.

With your phone screen lit up, you tried to turn on your bedside lamp but it wouldn't come on.

"Either the lightbulbs are blown or we have a power outage..." you mumbled to yourself.

You turned on the flashlight from your phone and stood up.

You walked to your room door and flicked the switch next to it to turn on the light, but the light stayed off.

Pressing the switch several times didn't change the situation either.

"Shit..." you cursed under your breath and took a step back to open your door.

However, just as you were about to step out of the room, you almost suffered a heart attack.

Chrollo was standing just outside the door, his figure only visible through the moon that faintly lit the hallway.

"Oh shit!" you cursed a little louder this time, taking a few steps back.

"Chrollo!" you scolded.

"We're having a power outage." He remarked, almost dryly, and you nodded.

"I know." you said, holding up the phone which was useless due to the lack of power.

With Chrollo breathing down your neck, you headed down the stairs to the first floor.

In the kitchen you looked for a candle that you found quite quickly, and you pulled out a pack of matches from the odds and ends drawer.

"Hold this for a second," you said to Chrollo, holding out your phone with your back to him before letting it go a second later.

It landed on the floor with a firm thud, you turned to face Chrollo.

He had his hands outstretched, palms up, but your phone just fell through.

You had completely forgotten for a moment that Chrollo was a ghost.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry!" you apologized quickly and picked up your phone which you then placed on the kitchen island next to you.

"It takes a lot of strength to become material." Chrollo said simply and you could hear in his voice how amused he was by this situation.

For a moment you were glad the power was out so he couldn't see your face which was sure to rival a tomato.

After a few tries you finally managed to light one of the matches and a little later the candle was burning too.

You knew that your cell phone only had a one-digit number of batteries left and that it would give up very soon.

And as much as you hated the thought that until the problem with the electricity was fixed, the candle would be your only source of light.

"Oh man.." you sniffed as you looked down the pitch-dark stairs to the basement.

Did you really have to go down there?

Yes you had to because the electrical box was right there.

"We'll go together." Chrollo said encouragingly, grabbing your free hand which he clasped tightly in his and placing his other hand on your shoulder.

For a moment you considered praying him to go down there and see what was going on, but then again you didn't want to burden him.

Maybe once he was down he wasn't able to touch or even knock anything anymore because he used up all his energy.

And then again, you were grown up enough to take care of such things yourself.

You doubted that there were many people in the world living with a spirit who would do such things for them if asked and whatever those people without a ghost can do, you can as well.

So having Chrollo as an emotional support was the best and most comfortable solution, even if his hot breath on your ear was driving you almost insane.

Just like his breath, his body was so close to yours.

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