Act 5, Chapter 9

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You had gone down a few steps when Chrollo suggested he would go and see on his own.

"I'm already a grown up, I can do it.." you said and took a deep breath to collect yourself.

Chrollo still had your hand in his as you continued down the stairs.

You could feel his hand slowly losing heat and you feared that you wouldn't make it to the junction box hand in hand in time.

The dim candle was almost nothing in the absolute darkness of the basement.

You had to wind your way through the basement almost blindly.

The only thing the candlelight did was  keep you from bumping into the couch and workbench.

When you finally reached the electrical box together with Chrollo, his hand was already ice cold and only a moment later your hand was gasping for air.

Almost in a panic, you turned your head back to where Chrollo should be.

"Don't worry, I'm still here." He said in a calm voice.

You just nodded before turning back to the electricity box and opening it.

You held the candle a little closer, narrowing your eyes to get a better look in the dim light.

One by one you walked the counters until you found the culprit.

One of the fuses had blown.

You took a deep breath and flipped the switch.

"Done.." you mumbled and turned to go after you closed the box again.

"Congratulations!" you heard Chrollo chuckle from the top of the stairs.

"Ha.ha.ha. Thanks." You replied sarcastically.

When you reached the top, you flipped the light switch in the living room, but the light didn't come on again.

,,What? But I...!" You let your sentence run into nothing while you groaned in frustration.

"It'll take a while. You did everything right, it will be fine in a few minutes." Chrollo spoke up.

He was sitting on the couch, watching you move around the room.

Even if you couldn't see it, you felt that he followed your every movement intensely.

Like you're an exciting action movie on TV, all his focus was on you.

You felt a little unwell.

"Hopefully it won't be long..." you said, hoping to get something to talk about.

But instead of continuing to talk, Chrollo just hummed in agreement.

Somehow he was different than before, before you tried to call your parents.

You had the feeling that there was some kind of tension in the air, but you couldn't explain where it suddenly came from.

He seemed to be watching you, wanting to stay close to you as if you were a criminal in a prison and he was a guard watching you on your daily walk to make sure you didn't suddenly flee.

Did you say anything that bothered him or even hurt him?

Was he maybe angry that you interrupted him because of the phone call with your parents?

Whatever it was, you wanted to know.

"Is everything alright?" you asked, meanwhile you had sat down on one of the chairs at the dining room table.

You didn't feel like sitting next to him while his eyes scrutinized you so intensely.

"Why this question?" he only replied.

"I don't just seem kind of... different?" you didn't know if different was even the right word, more intense would probably have been more accurate.

"Would you mind to elaborate?" - "just...different."  If you were honest, you found it a bit strange that he almost seemed to be avoiding your question with counter-questions.

Couldn't he just answer you clearly?

"Well, I feel the same as before." You could only nod to that because you had nothing else to say.

"Oh Chrollo,.." you suddenly remembered,,, you sleep in the guest room?"

"I actually do." In his voice you could hear the smirk on his face.

And suddenly the tension that had been in the air before seemed to have blown away.

You smiled too.

"I hope it's not rude to ask... but do ghosts even sleep? It's never been shown in a movie or anything before." You almost strained to sift through your memories for a movie with ghosts that might have shown something like this, or at least mentioned it.

Chrollo's laugh tore you out of your thoughts.

"I don't think film producers in particular know much about people like me...or well, ghosts." He said the last part a little quieter.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to step on your toes-" you were about to continue apologizing when you realized what you had just said.

Frustrated and embarrassed, you stopped talking and slapped your forehead with the palm of your hand as if it would force you to stop saying something so blunt.

'Step on his toes? I can't step on his toes, he's a ghost...' Another blush rose in your face today and you didn't believe that this had happened to you so many times in one day.

But Chrollo just laughed at your statement, which also made you put aside some shame and laugh easily.

"You don't have to be afraid to say anything bad or to offend me."

Sometimes it scared you how attractive you found Chrollo.

Like now.

He was sitting there on your couch and half of his face was illuminated by the moonlight for you to see.

His eyes were large and black, as was his hair, which fell loosely over his face.

His black hair shone under the cool moonlight, almost covering up the tattoo on his forehead.

What was the meaning of this and why was it on his forehead?

You were about to ask him about it when the light went on.

"Oh!" you said happily when the living room was finally bathed in light again.

Your gaze was up at the lamp that went on, and when you looked back in Chrollo's direction he was gone.

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