Act 3, Chapter 6

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For a moment you stood still in the middle of the road, until the pebbles still digging into your feet became almost unbearable.

By now you had stopped crying but your heart was still heavy in your chest and a feeling of gloomyness still laid like a blanket around your body.

With this feeling you turned around and headed towards the house.

Your hair and your clothes were now wet.

In the upper corner of your eye you could see something white moving so you looked up, the bedroom window was open again and the white thing you saw was the curtain being pushed out of the window by the wind.

Anger overcame you and when you were inside you slammed the front door violently with rage, for a moment you thought that the house would now collapse in on itself by the üure force of your ourburst on your poor front door.

The lights in the hallway and living room were still on.

It didn't feel any different, it was the same as a few hours ago except that it was already dark outside.

You almost draged yourself into the living room but just as you stepped through the door you were struck by a memory.

Abir had written something in the notebook!

Maybe the cuff had moved up to 'Goodbye' when you were so focused on Abir and she just wasn't allowed to say anything more to complete everything.

It had to be!

With quick steps you walked towards the sofa and plumped down next to the notebook before you took it in your hands.

The pen was still in the side where Abir had written something on.

You turned to the page.

'I'm sorry' you read and already wanted to stop reading.

Using a finger between the pages as a bookmark, you closed the book again.

You didn't want to keep reading.

As if what was written on this page wouldn't come true if you didn't read it.

After a few breaths, you opened the book again.

'I'm sorry but I can't help you.
When you told me about the activities I knew that getting rid of Chrollo wouldn't be easy, but I didn't think it would be that bad and dangerous.  Over the time he's had that no one did anything against him, he's become incredibly strong, stronger than any other spirit I've ever encountered.  He could control the contents of his chest at will, he could touch you whenever he wanted.
He even possessed me.  What was in this notebook in the first séance when I drew it was my own vision, but today HE used me, took over my body just like that.
He's already a strong spirit, but the fact that he fell in love with you, a mortal, increased his power level quite a bit.
You can't escape him, not anymore.
Even if you leave the house forever or even burn it down: your destinies are already too tangled.
All further attempts to get rid of him will also end in failure, Chrollo Lucilfer is by no means stupid and I would even say that he has an incredibly high IQ.
He's also a strategist and patient, he could endure anything forever.
He won't kill you but I can't assure you that he can't make you do what he expects.
Only look at the previous page if you feel ready.
I can only beg you, for your own safety, to keep as many lights on in the house as possible at all times.
Chrollo loses most of his power in the light, so be physically safe during the day.
Night time will be a nightmare, manipulating light will be a fairly easy discipline for him so my advice is to enjoy the light at night for as long as you can.
That's all I can tell you, take care.

So there was no escape?

No way for you to ever have a normal life again?

That couldn't be true, it wasn't possible to be.

But you saw what Chrollo was capable of and you couldn't help but believe Abir's words.

If only you could travel back in time.

What you would give to be with your parents now so they could reassure you that it was all just a dream and that there were no ghosts, especially not those who fell in love with humans.

A lump formed in your throat and another settled in your stomach as your fingers, cold and shaky, gripped the paper separating the previous page from the one you had just read.

A few black marks were visible from how hard Chrollo was pushing Abir's body.

You felt sick at the thought.

No matter how much you may hated Abir for leaving you alone with all this, you couldn't really blame her because you probably would have done the same and you couldn't imagine what a horrible feeling it must be not being in control of your own body.

You wanted to treat the side like tearing off a plaster, quick and painless.

With that metaphor in mind, you jerked to the previous page.

For a moment you couldn't see what it was supposed to represent, but then the realization hit you and your eyes widened in horror.

In the center of the sheet you were pictured lying from behind with your pajamas on the night Chrollo touched you.

You could even see the exposed patch of skin on your hips as you looked closer.

All around there were almost scribbled hearts drawn in hastily, sometimes they were big and sometimes small.

Even the window in your bedroom had some detail and you could see the moon seemingly shining on your skin.

Something ice cold settled on your shoulder, touched the side of your neck and you were on your feet with a loud yelp, throwing the notebook across the room in shock.

But nothing and nobody was there.

However, your heart didn't calm down and you couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching you.

Out of desperation you crawled into one of the corners with your back against the wall, but you didn't stay there long when the feeling of being watched suddenly came from above.

In a panic you ran up the stairs, but you had already forgotten the chest that Abir and you had brought down earlier and in the darkness that had already settled on the upper floor you hadn't even seen it.

It wasn't until you tripped over it and banged your head on your bedroom door that you became aware of it's existence again, and painfully so.

You couldn't even scream in terror or pain as you felt yourself falling.

You could only inhale sharply before your head made a painful encounter with the door and you were sprawled on the floor where your head, and your body, made another painful meeting with gravity and woodcraft.

You felt nauseous from the impact and were sure you would throw up if you stood up now.

The pain and shock had made you forget why you were running in the first place, but when a suddenly warm hand placed on your cheek you were too powerless to do anything about it.

Even when you could make out a familiar face through your blurry vision and a body kneeling to be as close to your level as possible, you were already too foggy and tired to walk away.

I'm so surprised, lately Chapters get 8 votes, thank you so much!!!<3

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