Act 7, Chapter 4

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"they're my great uncles and great aunt's." you said, loosening your gaze from the window to the outside to look at Hisoka who's back was facing you.

He was rather tall so he had to lower his head as to not hit it on the titled roof in the room.

after putting the book back he squat down to look at the books in the lower part of the shelves.

"and they were into ghosts?" he asked and for a change this conversation felt, despite it's topic, almost normal.

"I guess.. i never knew them all that well." you admitted, crossing your arms in front of your chest.

there was a window open somewhere on the top floor which let a chilling gust of wind roam around the house, making your still rather weak body react sensitive to the cold.

"then how come you live in their house?" Hisoka continued, taking another book out to skim over the back for some key information.

''I inherited all. The family tree did not grow close together I guess. I only very very vaguely remember great aunt I mean. There used to be a good relationship, back when I was a toddler, but I assume it fell apart for various reasons that I'm not aware of.'' you admitted still looking at Hisokas back, his hands roaming over the back of the books.

''what about your great uncle?'' the red head continued asking and you found yourself surprised at how he didn't make this conversation about himself like he usually did.

"When I moved in he was still alive, he lived in the nursing home in town. I went to visit him twice..for the second time I met him he didn't react well to me though and he passed just shortly after." your thoughts started to drift away as you had to think about his funeral, about how you met his sister and the pleading look in his eyes when he asked you to not visit him again after you talked with him about the notebook and Chrollo.

you might not knew him well, but you knew him enough to sometimes think it would be great if he was still here.

instead of expressing his condolences over your loss, Hisoka only lowly hummed in acknowlegement to your words.

he was at the very bottom left of the shelves.

a stroke of panic overcame you when you realised that the book which Hisokas hand rested on right now, aching to pull it out, was the book from Chrollo's chest.

the book with the white handprint on it in a language you couldn't understand noir read.

but before you were able to say anything, your colleague had pulled the book out and inspected it suspiciously.

another bit of panic grabbed you once you remembered that the notebook your great uncle left behind was right next to it.

the same dark green notebook in which you had continued writing in the day of your great uncle's funeral, documenting everything that had happened until then.

you hadn't touched it ever since, only to put it up here in the study room to not  have it lay around so openly.

same with Chrollo's book, you had almost forgotten about it completely and therefore didn't get the chance yet to ask him in which language it was written in.

Hisoka was turning the book in his hands a few times with furrowed eyebrows, he was visibly confused by the foreign language the book was written in and he seemed rather upset that he couldn't understand this language.

"Let's move on, shall we?" you asked, trying to get him to put the book back before he could ask too many questions.

but he didn't react to your words at all.

"you haven't seen the basement yet." you kept on pushing and Hisoka seemed to have not fed his curiosity about your home enough yet so your attempt at bribing him away actually worked.

the basement was as chill as always, even a slight layer of dust had laid back upon everything that you didn't use frequently.

Hisoka seemed rather excited by the workbench, taking some tools off their hangers to inspect them better.

poking holes into you with how many things he asked you about your knowledge of construction.

while walking up the stairs to the ground level you realized how exhausted you actually were as you felt incredibly dizzy and weak, you had to support yourself on the wall.

some of the spiders curiously watched Hisoka and you enter, keeping the red headed man in their eyes.

neither of you felt the 104 eyes staring down on you from all around the basement.

only for politeness you offered Hisoka something to drink to which he requested a tea he, of course coincidentally, bought just before visiting and was keeping in the side pocket of his jacket.

you made him his tea, trying your absolute best to ignore his eyes burning into the back of your body as he watched you move around the kitchen silently.

you tried to start conversations with him but he only gave short or nonverbal answers.

he seemed lost in thoughts, almost mentally gone.

the first time he really reacted again was when you held his tea in front of him.

the both of you sat down on the square dining table in the living room and once again you started a conversation in which he finally let himself get into.

the conversation was once again about the art pieces your great aunt left you behind.

"The other one seems to be 'The Entombment of Christ' by Caravaggio." Hisoka said, referring to one of the other two paintings in the downstairs hallway to the guest part of the house.

(a/n: for reference, see the picture at the top of the chapter)

he had his phone in one of his hands, cupping the tea you made him with his other.

he wasn't sure about the titel or artist of the paintings but he was eager to know the meaning behind it so he looked it up.

swiftly he turned his phone around to let you see the picture to let you see which one of the remaining two paintings he meant.

damn, yesterday someone put my yandere one shot book to a reading list called 'dropped'
idk but that reading list's title just feels so rude and it kinda hurt my feelings

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