Act 8, Chapter 1

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"Now I have neither happiness nor unhappiness. Everything passes." - Yozo, p. 129

you felt incredibly tired and nostalgic after having written all of that down, not to mention your paining hand.

you had intended to write the happenings of the past few weeks in a rather natural view but now you found yourself skimming over one and another personal comment on this or that particular situation.

you wrote a few pages into the notebook and while counting how many you wrote, you saw how your handwriting became messier and messier with each page.

'hopefully it's still readable to others..' you thought as you closed the notebook shut and put the pencil back to where you took it from.

you wrote thirteen pages in total and you weren't even going to try and guess how many words that were.

it wasn't that the notebook was regular sized, in comparison to a regular sheet of paper it was a bit smaller than if you fold said piece of paper in half but thirteen pages was a lot.

on the other hand you had written about an entire month which made thirteen pages look reasonable.

but the aftermath was as present as the words on the paper nevertheless.

your eyes felt heavy like they were carrying the entire universe, your hand was still aching from all the writing and your back felt rock solid from being in the same position for a longer while.

you wished to have looked at a clock and 'stop' the time to see how long it took you to write all of that down, but you didn't.

at least you had fullfilled your goal of avoiding Chrollo and that was more than enough.

with a yawn you stretched your arms above your head and arched your back to fight against it's soreness but it did relatively little.

you stood up to get to bed, turning off the lights of the study room, closing the door and leaving the notebook on the desk.

you thought that there was no need for you to put it back into the shelf, that no one would look at it.

you got ready for bed and fell asleep quicker than usual.

when you woke up in the morning you didn't feel sick at all anymore, which was absolutely amazing and a total blessing, and yet there was a weird feeling in the stomach.

something that weighed you down but you pinpointed that feeling on the strange dream you had that you barely remembered.

you only remember having woken up in that dream in your bed for seemingly no reason at all and walking to the study room where you could make out a tiny bit of light.

you entered the room and found Chrollo reading the notebook you wrote in just hours earlier, he was leaning against the side of the table.

he had noticed you once you made your way out of your bedroom, at least that's what your instinct told you in that dream.

but he didn't let himself get bothered by your presence at all and kept reading in the notebook with a slight grin that looked..almost scary.

you remember asking him something, probably what he was doing or why he was reading the notebook, but he didn't answer and instead just looked at you with his grin widening.

you remember taking a step back from him in that dream but you can't remember anything after that.

thinking about your dream though made you remember that you wanted to call Abir to check up on her.

you took your time waking up and getting somewhat ready by taking a shower and putting on comfortable clothes.

you went downstairs and made yourself breakfast that you ate without a sign of Chrollo.

by now you were really getting used to just living to his lifestyle of showing up whenever he felt like it, not that it bothered you to get some alone time here and there but yet you wished him to sometimes be more present.

once done with breakfast you took the telephone and dialed Abir's number that you got from the notebook.

it took a relatively long time before she picked up, your heart suddenly starting to beat like crazy.

"Hello?" her voice sounded from the other end of the line.

"Hello Abir, this is (y/n)" you said.

there was a long, uncomfortable silence in the line.

"Hello?" you asked after a while to check if she even heard you or was even still on the phone.

"You.." she started, obviously wanting to say more but her voice fell silent nevertheless.

you made a questioning hum and you could hear her starting to breath heavily through the phone.

"Abir, are you alright?" you asked in response to her heavy breathing, furrowing your eyebrows as deep concern started to lay on your chest.

suddenly you could feel a breath come down on your head, moving strands of your head and you turned around quickly to be met with Chrollo.

he was standing close to you, very close.

so close that his body was pressed to your arm that held the telephone.

he was looking down on you, no, staring down on you.

his expression was unreadable and yet his gaze made you uncomfortable and it had nothing do to with what happened between the two of you yesterday evening.

"Abir?" he questioned, his eyes furrowing like yours did earlier but not for concern.

he was irritated.

you nodded, confirming that you were on the phone with Abir and your gut started to clench and turn as his eyes seemed to almost darken.

"Hang up." he said, firm and like it was an order.

with a confused expression you broke the eye contact Chrollo and you were holding, concentrating on hearing what was happening on the other end if the line.

you could hear her mumble something in a language you didn't understand, it was muffled.

"Abir.." you said, pausing for a moment to give her the chance to say something before you continued to speak "..I'm going to hang up now." you said.

you waited another moment for her to say something but she didn't, she just kept mumbling in the language you did not know but from some of the words and Abir's heritage you guessed the language to be hebrew.

you hung up the phone and you did not need to turn around to feel Chrollo still towering over you.

and you were more than certain that a big argument with him was coming your way, the first the two of you would have.

hellow :3
i got good news: my dad and I found an apartment and will be moving in next weekend but that also means I'm a bit stressed with packing and stuff but that's fine
i really hope i will find the time to update more often once i'm settled in the our new place :D
i hope you all are doing great and have a wonderful day <3

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