My Childhood Hero

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this is the second one shot that i originally wrote for halloween lol
it's much much shorter than the first one so I will upload a new chapter shortly after I upload this one shot, just so you guys have something to read lol xd
anyways, have fun <3
also, I can't stress enough how grateful I am for everyone that votes and comments!! there are usually 10+ votes on a chapter and always three to four people commenting, it's so amazing!! I am so grateful and can't thank you guys enough TT♡

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You had met him in Meteor City for the first time, you were younger than him.

As a toddler you had been abandoned there, shortly after learning how to walk.

When you found Chrollo back then, you glued yourself onto his side because he gave you the feeling of safety that a place like Meteor City could not provide.

He had just accepted it.

In the beginning it was hard for you to keep pace wirh him but rather quickly you observed everything he did and copied it.

He had never really thought you anything, didn't help you in times of need, you had to do it all by yourself from the very beginning.

Some thought you were siblings since you were always only a few feet behind him.

You liked it when people said things like these, it made you feel strong. 

To you Chrollo was pure glory, someone you looked up to.

But when you got older you came to realize that he didn't seem to care about you, especially after he founded the spider, so you left.

You left Meteor City and started a honest life.

You got a job that even provided, a very shaggy, apartment and saved your money.

After two years you started working somewhere better, earned more monyey and moved into a much better and your own apartment.

Someday you moved out of the city and onto an island with only around 500 residents.

There you got comfortable really quickly but it was to boring for your personal taste so you decided to take the hunter exam.

You wanted to help people if you could, especially those of circumstances like your past ones and prove and show them that there was a better life for them.

You had passed the hunter exam on your second try, between your first and second take two year had passed though in which you had learned about nen and mastered it's basics.

After you had passed the hunter exam you needed much more money to pay for a better nen teacher so you went to the heavens arena, one of the most famous fighting arenas around the world.

Fast you had worked yourself up to the 200th floor, your nen as a good companion.

When the woman at the reception to the 200th floor told you, that you could not earn any Jenny anymore but only fame, you were so high on all the cheering and your fans that you wanted to see how far you could get.

Daily you practiced your nen with your nen teacher which you paid with your prize money from the previous fights.

After only a few months though you had grown over his abilities and trained by yourself, perfected your nen.

gho(st)²ories (yan/obsessive chrollo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now