Act 2, Chapter 1

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"Humans... are so very... interesting."
- Chrollo to himself

You didn't sleep well that night either, you only fell asleep well.

Falling asleep was easy for you after all the work and getting into the fresh bed after a shower felt like heaven.

But that night you were plagued by strange dreams once more.

In the beginning your sleep was dreamless, but then images emerged and finally a dream formed in your head.

In your dream you were in the upstairs hallway on your way to the storage closet, when you opened the door there was a spider was hanging from the ceiling but it didn't seem threatening at all and for some reason you wanted to touch it.

It had a number on its back and when you even reached for it it turned out to be just paper, the number was gone.

You looked up in the closet and noticed that instead of a ceiling, the closet simply had a huge hole through which allowed you to get a look up the attic.

Knocking sounded, very close to you, and the lightbulb hanging from the attic ceiling suddenly swayed back and forth as if someone had struck it while walking past it.

You walked out of the tiny storage room and back to your bedroom feeling uneasy.

When you opened the door there, the window was wide open and ice-cold wind penetrated the room, goosebumps spread over your body.

You closed the door again and now you were in the hallway, but not for long when suddenly footsteps sounded in the attic.

Fearlessly you grabbed the Black Ring and grabbed it easily, the hatch opened and the stairs rolled gently towards the ground.You went upstairs and when you got to the top you noticed that the black box was open, the contents had disappeared and only the velvet came towards you.

You looked around the attic and noticed the suit folded out of the box lying on the floor, next to it the Ouija board with the cuff on top.

You went there and pushed the cuff but the light suddenly went out and when it came back on after a few seconds the cuff was on the other end of the board but it was pushed but not by you.

When you wanted to reach for it, you suddenly got agonizing goosebumps and the feeling that someone was standing behind you overcame you.

As you turned around, something blue flashed before you woke up drenched in sweat.

Immediately you sat up in bed, you had to digest this dream first.

As you hugged yourself to make sure you were awake, you noticed how cold your arm was, as if it had been the only one out for several hours.

You thought maybe he wasn't hiding under the covers and the window popped open again letting in the cold, but the window was closed.

Also this time you decided against lying down again, also because you were afraid of oversleeping.

Today you were going to visit your great-uncle, you wanted to tick off the subject first.

You felt like the house would never really be yours if you didn't pay it at least one visit.

You ate in peace in front of the television, even if the current program didn't really interest you.

You did the dishes for the last few days immediately afterwards.

Stepping out of your bedroom you almost tripped over the stairs to the attic, completely forgetting that they were still downstairs.

When you thought it was a struggle to get down the stairs in the first place, you didn't take into account that you'd have to go back up.

So you just went to bed yesterday with the attic stairs still reaching into the hallway.

'I'll solve the problem tomorrow' you said to yourself, but now it was 'tomorrow' and you didn't have a solution.

You finally decided to try the most obvious and probably dumbest solution, which is why you are now standing on the footstool of your upstairs armchair.

You had the crowbar in one hand while you pushed the stairs up with the other hand with as much momentum as your position allowed, when they still had to live out the upward momentum you quickly pushed the hatch up with the crowbar in hope you could close them before the stairs rocketed back down.

But you seemed to have underestimated your own strength because you had gained so much momentum that you lost your balance on the small footstool and fell to the ground.

You were able to catch yourself with your arms and if you fell you let go of the crowbar so you didn't fall on it and injure yourself more than necessary.

You and the crowbar fell to the ground with a loud bang, and the house was quiet for a few moments.

You flee a bit while you get up, but the case was quickly forgotten when your stomach reported.

In the meantime you were on your way to town, you wanted to buy what you still needed and then you would go straight to the nursing home.

The shopping didn't take long and when you really made your way to the nursing home you felt a little queasy.

Subconsciously you realized that you had avoided confronting your great-uncle.

You reached for the pictures that were on the passenger seat again to make sure for the fifth time that they were there.

Of course, when you got out you took them out with you, you wanted to leave the pictures to your great-uncle.

Arrived at the reception you asked if he was allowed to receive visitors at all and the person at the reception said yes.

When one of the nurses led you to his room, you were asked how you related to him.

You were a bit perplexed by the question, but you still answered that he was your late great-aunt's husband.

"He knows about his wife's death, so if he asks about her, you can tell him that she is dead. Don't blame him if he doesn't remember should be familiar with his condition. He doesn't get many visitors so unfortunately we can't say how he'll react to you."

You knew that he didn't get any visitors except for your great-aunt, who could only be driven to the nursing home once a month, but it was sad to hear it again from an outsider.

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