Chapter 54

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Abhimanyu spent a couple of minutes staring at Akshara who was currently sleeping on the same pillow as him, her hand casually thrown over his waist. When she had come over last night, the absolute despair he had felt throughout the day after losing one of his patients eased slightly. He had wanted to say and do so many things to begin healing the great rift that had expanded between the two of them, but the words just weren't coming to him. How was he even going to begin explaining to her the extent of his heartbreak.

Abhimanyu decided to let her sleep as he quietly began to get ready for his day. He covered her with a blanket and stared at her for a moment, looming over her before shaking himself out of it and walked out of his apartment, leaving a still sleeping Akshara behind.

On his drive over he couldn't help but replay every single moment he had spent with her, their budding relationship and finally their fallout. Everything had gone to shit in the last couple of days and he couldn't quite pinpoint when things snowballed into this huge mess.

His thoughts turned to that dickhead Riyansh and he clenched his fists on the steering wheel of the car, once again anger coursing through his veins. When Riyansh had needled him in the cafeteria, he hadn't been instigated initially. He had given him the benefit of the doubt, especially because he really seemed to be helping Akshara and the patients even if he was her ex. He had ignored it when Riyansh had talked smack about him but when he had whispered to him about how Akshara would always remember him because he was the first man she had slept with, he had seen red. He would have even let that go, as much as it pained him but when he followed that sentence with comments about her body and how it felt naked, he had lost all his senses until all he could hear was white noise as white hot fury filled his body.

When Akshara stood in between them to protect that scum from Abhimanyu, he felt like a broken man. Why was she siding with him? He thought bitterly about every time he had loved a person and they hadn't loved him back. He thought he had finally found someone who belonged to him and who he belonged to completely and she had left him bereft in time of his need. Once again, he was all alone. Maybe that was for the best he had thought. When instead of following him, Akshara had dragged Riyansh, Abhimanyu had felt pain like he had never experienced before. She had picked her friendship with that despicable man over him. Even if she had known that loser longer, she should have believed in him and their relationship to know that Abhimanyu would never have done something irrational especially when it came to her.

He had ignored her texts for days, still not ready to have a conversation with her. He had refused to go to Rooh or even her classical evenings because if he saw Riyansh and her together, he wouldn't be able to bear it and he might do something or say something which he would regret.

Abhimanyu had been a menace to work with for the past week and without Akshara to balance the good to his bad, he could feel himself spiraling deeper and deeper. Is this what love was? God, it hurt so so bad. Maybe he had messed up by diving in headfirst into this. All said and done though, he was missing her something fierce and when she showed up last night and just held his hand well into the night until she fell asleep, he felt like maybe they could get out of this mess together. However, it was near impossible for a leopard to change its spots and unfortunately his bravado left him in the morning, and he took the cowardly way out leaving her sleeping back at his apartment.

They had their weekly dinners that night and his heart pounded in his chest as he made his way over to the restaurant, he wasn't ready to face Akshara yet, but his fears were in vain because she never showed up to the dinner. He wanted to ask Aarohi if Akshu was okay because it was unlike her to miss these dinners but when he got to the table everyone was already deep into the main course so he assumed someone must have given an explanation about her absence which he very likely missed. He was itching to text her but something made him hold back from reaching out just yet.

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