Chapter 38

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Akshara sat down in the far back away from everyone as Riyansh took the center stage, his skills on the flute were quite literally out of this world and as he began to transition from one raaga to the next before some beautiful Bollywood medleys, Akshara let her tears flow. Her connection with music was something she could never express to the world and hence she had chosen her current career path in the hopes that it could touch lives just like it had done hers. She sat in the back with her long dress floating around her and the soulful tunes of the flute caused such a chill in the air that she gathered her sweater cardigan close and began to shed silent tears. It was by fate that when she looked up her eyes met a tormented Abhimanyu's willing her to please stop crying. His tormented gaze made her cry harder for now she was crying for herself and the man who had her heart but who was too stubborn to let her in. She silently shook her head before looking away and getting lost in Riyansh's magical melodies completely ignoring everything Abhimanyu related...

The next day at the Birla hospital, Akshara had begged Riyansh to come to her classical nights and add his talent to her sitar skills so they could truly wow the audience and when evening rolled around, the crowd was pleasantly surprised. Within the first few minutes word had gotten out about their comradery and there was even more of a crowd than what had ever showed up before. There was barely any standing room with the patients located closer to the two musicians and everyone else standing on the outskirts. The thudding of her heart told her that he was here but there was no way she could make out his whereabouts in such a dense crowd. Soon they were swept away in their singing and playing, and the normal scheduled hour bled into what was closer to two and boy was she exhausted as they began wrapping up. 

Her fingers were bleeding by the time they strummed the final strings on her sitar, Riyansh who noticed this took her fingers in his hand and slowly blew on them to make them hurt less. This caused one of her regular patients to let out a loud "aww" diverting everyone's attention to them. Someone piped up with a "You make such a cute couple" causing Riyansh to blush while Akshara could only manage a small smile in the general direction of where the voice was coming from. She obviously wasn't in the headspace to correct whoever had made the comment, all she wanted was to make everyone leave and hide in her office. Akshara was unaware of the heartbreak currently happening outside of her music room for of course he had heard the comment and all he had witnessed was her smile which to him looked a lot like an acceptance of their new relationship.

Akshara's rest of the day passed quickly, and she took Riyansh to the cafeteria to grab a bite of food as a thank you for helping her. She could tell that he wanted to expand upon their relationship, but she shut it down so quickly that it would've been almost comical if she was in the correct headspace! They said their goodbyes and as Akshara was walking towards the elevator, her phone pinged with a text from Aaru asking her to stop by if she was free. She felt like her day was turning because there was nothing in this world a hug from her sister couldn't fix. Stopping by on the patient floor Akshu saw a group of 4 doctors, including her sister, chatting, and smiling. She walked up to Aaru and gave her a tight tight hug which was reciprocated in kind because they were like passing ships in the night recently, barely seeing each other for 5 minutes daily. Aarohi introduced her to her co-residents letting her know that a guy Ishaan was missing currently. Everyone around her grimaced at this and Akshu looked at her sister to ask what she was missing. Before Aaru could reply a loud crash was heard from one of the patient rooms and everyone ran to see what the commotion was. Abhimanyu and a young man stood glaring at each other and Akshara's heart froze, was he hurt? Was he ok? Before anyone could blink he apologized to a patient on one of the cots nearby and walked out, not sparing a single glance at her.

Everyone meekly followed Abhimanyu in the deathly quiet that had descended, there he stood, her man, while she was deathly afraid of what was to come, he just looked so magnificent even with a mouth twisted in anger and face stone cold sober. "Dr. Juneja, what the hell happened? Do you realize if you had moved even half of an inch to the right you would have caused a massive catastrophe?" Before the guy could open his mouth Abhimanyu raised his palm angrily "No!! there is no excuse. You will listen when I ask you to do something, and you will definitely not improvise. If you can't follow my rules, I am more than happy to sign your transfer form" With that he began stomping away causing everyone to cling to the walls.

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