Chapter 35

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Akshara and Aarohi's Sunday was spent pretty much rolling around in their beds and moaning at their raging hangover. All 4 siblings convened into Aaru's room and spent their day shrouded into total darkness while groaning and holding their pounding heads. To add to their misery, Bade Papa was gloating and banging as many utensils as he could because he was still pissed that they went out without him. It took Akshara yelling loudly for Mimi to come and get her son for him to finally leave the kids alone to their misery.

"You guys start tomorrow at Birla hospital tomorrow, right?" Vansh finally asked at the dinner table.

"Yeah I don't have to go in until 9ish Neil said but Aaru and her co-interns need to be there by 6AM" Akshara sent her sister a grimace. "Aaru, this is such a big step we are so proud of you. Are you excited?" BP asked. "yeah, bade papa I'm actually very excited, earlier I was worried after hearing everyone warn me about the great but really mean Dr. Birla but now having spent time with him I think while he might still yell at me, which he probably will, but I am not scared of him you know? I am more excited to learn from him." Aarohi mentioning him brought Akshara's attention to the dinner table. She hadn't heard from him today...she knew it was weird to expect him to text/call her because they were still practically strangers but, in her heart, she felt like something was amiss. It wasn't like her heart was hurting but it was almost like there was a completed puzzle with just one little corner piece missing. It was hard to explain to anyone, but she knew that something was wrong with him.

"Yeah, remember Aaru, he will be your boss and even if he is family by extension we have taught you children not to expect preferential treatment. What you get will be obtained fairly and squarely and if he is rude or yells, know that he is treating you like an equal. You know more than I do that it only takes a split second to make/break someone's life so I want you to listen to him like you would any other professor and remember never bring your work home, especially because you and Akshu both will be working very closely with him. I don't want either of you to come home complaining about Abhimanyu specifically, if you complain about work, we are here to listen but don't make it personal." At Bade papa's sage advice both sisters nodded their head. Aarohi was excited to start her new career under Abhimanyu and hoped that her co-interns were nice. She knew only a choice few got the opportunity to learn from him and she wanted to make the most of her residency. Akshara on the other hand was wondering if he would be mean or would he be her special Abhi? Will she even see him? Her heart was pounding thinking of all the possibilities.

The next morning, Akshara woke up early to see her sister and feed her dahi shakkar along with the rest of her family. She was so so happy and proud of her sister. Aarohi had always been brilliant at what she did and now her brilliance was paying off! Her sister DR. AAROHI GOENKA! Almost all the goenka members had tears in their eyes as they sent off Aaru for her new job. Akshara went back to her room to try and get some shut eye but she was too wired up, mostly for her own day at the Birla hospital but also thinking about Abhi and what he was doing and if he too was thinking about her. Her fingers kept going over to his contact in her phone and she would constantly get into a cycle of typing and then deleting a text to him. Her fingers kept tracing the outline of her lips thinking of the almost kiss and the feel of his hand on her thigh, she had never felt what she was feeling with any man, before Abhimanyu. The fireworks between them would make any grown man weep. One thing that gave her some semblance of peace was that she knew exactly where he was this very second, was that creepy she wondered. It was soon her time to leave and she rushed downstairs and out of the house only yelling a quick "sorry I am late can't stay" leaving her family perplexed, as they had planned to send her off with some good wishes too. She stumbled twice on her way to work and this on top of that missing puzzle piece in her heart caused her massive anxiety about her coming day. Something was wrong, she just wished she knew what so she could fix it.

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