Chapter 46

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It was her first day back to work and Akshara had overshot how capable she was of coming back to work because even after multiple warnings from Aarohi and Abhimanyu plus the rest of the family, she had indeed overworked herself. She had shown up earlier than necessary and now when it was almost 8, she was feeling the tiredness in her bones. She had so many patient files to go through and create different treatment plans for each that she hadn't realized the time slipping away, especially because Abhi and Aaru were both busy with back-to-back surgeries. She had Sahil's help but when she got in the groove, she missed all mealtimes and forgot to drink water and was now paying the prize for it when she got up from her desk and realized that she was a minute away from fainting. She could definitely not drive in this condition. So, she took the elevator up to Abhimanyu's office to get some rest on his bed, the whole area where the admin staff sat was empty barring two people who paid her no attention, because of the lateness of the hour. She was grateful that Abhimanyu had given her unperturbed access to his cabin, and she crawled onto his couch after removing her shoes, not even bothering to turn the couch into the bed it was meant to be and she was out of it within minutes.

When Abhimanyu walked into his cabin, he saw her small pale figure curled up on the couch in a small ball, she didn't even stir when he bent down to press a kiss on her forehead, not even when he turned on the lights in his ensuite bathroom, took a shower and changed into his pajama pants. Akshara in her subconscious could feel herself being jostled but she was in deep slumber so she didn't comprehend Abhimanyu extending the couch into a bed and gently moving her so she could cuddle up next to him. She merely let out a sigh and held him close to take every bit of warmth he could offer, before falling back into darkness. When his morning alarm went off at 4:30 AM she groaned but quickly fell back to sleep noticing in the back of her subconscious when Abhimanyu closed the blinds and upped the AC temperature and covered her in a snuggly thick blanket.

It was late morning when she finally came to and yawned before stretching her still sore and tired body trying to get her bearings. She slowly looked around to see Abhimanyu sitting in his chair glaring at the floor next to her, looking angrier than normal "Abhi?? What happened?" At her words he turned his angry glare at her, giving her a pause.

"Dammit Akshara, what the fuck were you thinking?" AKSHARA?!!!! She was still sleep hazed, so she mumbled out a "whatdidido" trying to rub her eyes to get the sleep out of it.

"Why do you not listen to me? Look at you. You almost passed out from exertion. I told you to take it easy, you have been sleeping for over 12 hours." Shit shit shit. He had never used this tone with her and it caused her eyes to smart. He really was mad at her. His next question made her heart stop for it was not looking great for her.

"When was the last time you ate Akshara? Or drank water?" he said in the same ice-cold tone warning her not to lie to him.

"I uh.. breakfast. Abhi I swear I didn't mean to." She wasn't going to tell him that she only had 2 spoons of her upma at breakfast before she slyly disposed off the rest from her plate. What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

He froze at her reply and angrily grabbed his phone before spitting out "Mishraji send a plate of poha, vegetable sandwich, some juice and water in my cabin ASAP. Leave it by the door, I'll grab it" before almost crushing the phone when he thumped it into its cradle. At her quick intake of breath, he turned his cold stare back at her making a chill run down the back of her spine. "This is why I can't trust you to take care of yourself. I should've never let you come back so early. I'm not going to fall for your begging again Akshara" AKSHARA AGAIN. Oh no. Tears gathered in the corner of her eyes, threatening to drop. She got up on shaky legs taking a mental note of herself, damn her body did really hurt. She walked over stumbling to where he sat and crawled into his lap but he really was angry because he refused to hold her.

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