Chapter 24

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Abhimanyu wasn't sure why he was this pissed and hurt. He wanted to leave this place, go home and rage. So what if she had a boyfriend? Even if it was this white toothed way too chirpy model who seemed to call his girlfriend HIS akshu. He tried to see reason behind the buzzing that had started in his mind ever since he saw them hug in the middle of the place, how much did he even know her? It was silly to think that someone like Akshara would be single and even if she was, what could he have done? He wasn't going to date, and he wasn't looking for something crazy like the L word. He didn't have time in his life, and he was glad that the option was taken out before he could ever analyze it. Dammit! Then why the fuck was there a knot in his chest and hurt in his heart.

He picked up his glass of whiskey and took a large gulp, he knew that silly model with that perfect teeth was looking for a response from him but Abhimanyu had mentally decided to cut his losses and decided to leave. Coming here was a bad idea and he didn't know what he wanted to achieve by coming here. He would leave Akshara alone, but he couldn't bring himself to look into her eyes anymore. He was trying to think of a polite excuse and make his way out when he accidentally glanced at Akshara and he couldn't pull his eyes away. He cursed himself for being so weak when it came to her, what was it about her that just reeled him in and made him stay? She was trying to communicate something with her eyes, but he was too hurt, annoyed, jealous and in pain to recognize it, so he just blinked and looked away and started to get up. Before he could get up, Akshara grabbed his hand closest to her side and stopped his escape. He looked at her quizzically and tried to pull his hand out of her grip. Her hand only tightened further, and they both just stared at each other coming at an impasse. Her soft hand in his felt amazing and he couldn't understand why she was stopping him when her boyfriend was right there? What was she playing at? Her eyes were beseeching asking him to stay while his just flashed angrily wanting to get out of there. There was nothing here for him and he was not going to forget that. Both were so lost in their silent conversation they forgot about Sudhanshu and were jerked out of their trance when they heard a loud whistle.

"wow what was that? I've never seen two people communicate without saying a single word, this is like the movies!" Abhimanyu heard the annoying voice of Sudhanshu break their trance, which self-respecting man let his girlfriend call him Suds in public, fucking loser, Abhimanyu thought.

"Sudhanshu is not my boyfriend, Abhimanyu" Abhimanyu heard a small voice say and in his haste he retorted with a "well that's too bad, you would make a lovely pair" he ofcourse didn't mean it and wanted to take it back but he had wanted to lash out at akshara, though no fault of hers, and now that he could see that she was hurt over his retort he would have done anything to take it back. Akshara retrieved her hand from his and Abhi felt at a loss, what was happening here?

"We do make a lovely pair, don't we jaan?" Sudhanshu nudged Akshara with his shoulder trying to lighten the mood. He sent a sympathetic glance up at Abhimanyu which Abhimanyu returned with a glare. "Unfortunately Dr. Birla, Akshara isn't my type"

What the hell was this idiot saying? Was he just a commitment phobe, is that what this was? Who the hell didn't have Akshara as their type? She was literally perfect and everyone's type. He had never seen anyone prettier, sweeter, and perfect than her. He couldn't help but feel affronted for Akshara "I thought Akshara was everyone's type" He muttered without realizing causing Akshara to startle and peer up at him from her position. "UHH I uh mean she seems like she is..she is pretty" FUCK FUCK FUCK shut up Abhimanyu he berated himself, what the fuck was he saying. He needed to get out of there fast before he said or did something stupid which he could never recover from, but he saw the sweet smile on Akshara's face and the fight just left him. Had nobody told her she was pretty? Ofcourse she was fucking beautiful; she shouldn't be this surprised and elated that he called her pretty, but he was glad he could put that smile on her face. He took a large sip from his glass to avoid looking at her and to have something to do with his hands which might just strangle this dude who was still holding on to Akshara's shoulder so possessively.

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