Chapter 12

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Akshara rushed out of  Rishabh's room once she was sure that the parents knew all the details, she hated accepting gratitude from people and hence wanted to make a quick escape. As Akshara made her way out of the room yelling a quick thank you to the doctor who helped her, she felt a strange flutter in her chest. She felt her heart begin to thud as she walked away from the room towards the reception area of the hospital. It almost felt to her like a thread was pulling her back and refused to let her go.

"AKSHARA WHAT THE HELL? DID I NOT TELL YOU TO INFORM ME IF YOU LEAVE? ARE YOU OK?" Aarohi rushed towards akshu, yelling at her and making a mental catalogue of her body to count for any injuries. Aaarohi's yelling brought akshara out of her trance and she sheepishly looked at her sister. She tried to save herself from her sister wrath by defending herself , "I sent driver bhaiya to get you na Aaru, what was I supposed to do ? Not help the boy? You are a doctor, you tell me, would you have let him bleed out on the street? I didn't have time to come get you " 

Aarohi rolled her eyes at the puppy face Akshu was currently making before grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the hospital towards the cafe they were supposed to meet Bhabhi at. "Akshu this stupid hospital is going to be my place of work for the next 5 years and maybe forever until I die, please i don't want to spend my short break in this place any more than I have to..and i know you probably forgot about Anisha Bhabhi" 

"oh noooo shit shit shit Aaru, I totally forgot. Do you think she'll be mad at me? is she still around to meet with us?" Akshara frantically responded before wringing her hands. She genuinely hated disappointing people. "It's ok Akshu, breathe, I told her what happened and she said she will wait for me to get you" Aarohi said trying to pacify her anxious sister as they entered the cafe. 

"You must be Akshara" a cute bouncy woman with curly hair and bright eyes bounced up to the sister spreading her arms wide for a big hug. "Hi , I am Anisha " she said while still hugging Akshu. Akshara felt like a weight was lifted off her chest as she saw her new bhabhi smiling down at her and still hugging her. Maybe she might not hate me for being late? she thought. 

As she opened her mouth to say sorry for being late Anisha gently admonished her with a don't you dare thrown her way. The sisters and Anisha made their way to the table in a flurry of activity and placed their coffee orders with the waiting staff. Akshu couldn't help but admire how beautiful her new bhabhi was and how nice she seemed to be as  Anisha too appraised her sister-in-law coming to the same conclusion. "you are so beautiful " both of them said at the same time to each other before all three of them dissolved into a fit of giggles. 

"Tell us all about yourself Bhabhi" Aarohi said followed by a "Kairav bhaiya never gives us enough details, we don't even know anything about your family, friends, hobbies" . Anisha rolled her eyes at Aarohi before she began with a "Brothers, am I right? they treat us sisters like we are some fragile being who they need to protect from the world". Both Goenka sisters nodded enthusiastically having dealt with Kairav and Vansh Bhaiya all their lives. 

" We have my mom and my taiji tauji as the elders as well as a Bua who doesn't live with us, Taiji Tauji have Parth Bhaiya and Shefali Bhabhi and the baby of the family Nishtha, then I have Neil as my younger brother and Abhimayu who is the oldest amongst us three but a bit younger than Parth Bhai" 

Akshara again felt the strange fluttering in her chest as Anisha Bhabhi described her siblings. She wasn't sure what was causing this fluttering and tried to shake herself out of the trance and tried to focus on the ongoing conversation.

"....ya Aarohi, you probably spoke to Neil then , he told me about the tussle you had over the phone, please ignore the idiot, Abhimanyu bhai cuts him a lot of slack because he cannot say no to neil so his idiocy goes up day by day, I will talk to him" Anisha Bhabhi continued. Tussle what tussle ? Akshu thought as she cut a quick glance to her sister who signaled that they would talk about it later.

"As I was saying Aarohi, you will probably work under Abhimanyu bhai and I already feel bad for you. He is such a menace to work for but I guess the surgical experience you can get under him is unparalleled to anywhere else. If you are good at what you do, he will I won't say be nice to you but he will be able to tolerate you better than most" Anisha whispered conspiratorially to Aarohi. " Abhimanyu bhaiya only loves one person in this world our mom and he sometimes likes and tolerates us siblings but that's pretty much it." Anisha mused. If she was paying attention, Anisha would have seen the expression on Akshara's face , a face currently betraying her eagerness to know more about this strange abhimanyu guy. 

"Ya Bhabhi I have heard so much about Dr. Birla's excellence and I genuinely cannot wait to work with him. I think I will be to handle him because I really am committed to my work ethics and my drive for the betterment of my patients." Aarohi told her new bhabhi with a big smile on her face. 

"wait Dr.Birla? he is not so bad, what are you talking about guys? I literally just met him because of that kid's surgery. He was so warm and welcoming, maybe it was a different Dr. Birla then haan bhabhi? are there other surgeons in the family?" Akshara asked genuinely surprised that they were talking about the same guy she met a mere hour ago. 

"Uh...our dad... who passed away was a doctor, he was the founder of the hospital but Bhaiya is the only current Dr. Birla and the sole reason as to why Birla hospital is where it is at currently in the world market. Akshara are you sure it was my brother? I have never heard anyone call him warm and welcoming" Anisha muttered clearly uncomfortable about her father's topic. 

"I'm sorry bhabhi, should i not have asked this question about the family? the doctor i met was introduced by one of the nurses as Dr. Birla, umm the doctor was about 5'9 ish , lanky and had glasses? is that not Dr. Abhimayu Birla?" As Akshara said his name out loud, her heart gave a thud causing her to almost stumble. 

"No no Akshara, please don't feel bad about asking me questions. It's just that dad is a very sensitive topic for Bhaiya and Maa and so we are all wary about it. I wish I could tell you more right now about my family, friends and hobbies and ask you questions in turn but I do have to leave soon and oh also I think the doctor you are describing is probably Dr. Rohan, one of bhaiya's prodigy but ofcourse that will change once our Aaru joins the hospital" Anisha Bhabhi said as she threw a wink in Aarohi's direction before getting up to gather her things. 

"you guys have been so wonderful that my mind and heart are happy to be a part of your lovely family. I think we will get along so well, don't you think so? I am waiting to be a part of the goenka family" Anisha whispered to the two sisters as her eyes filled with gratitude. 

"Bhabhi you are already a part of the family! and we know you are probably more excited to get married to be with kairav bhaiya as opposed to being our sister" Akshara said mischievously before turning away to avoid her bhabhi's loving smack. 

"we love you bhabhi and we cannot begin to tell you how kairav bhaiya has changed because of you and your love, the entire family is waiting for you" Aarohi said to Anisha as they all walked out together  throwing their goodbyes and see you for the poojas around. 

Author's note:

PHEW that was long. Do you guys think that the story is too long and boring? should I make it shorter? 

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