Chapter 28

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As they entered the Birla mansion, Akshara was once again stunned speechless at the grandeur of the house, it was just so grand and huge! She gazed around the house from her place at the entrance taking everything in. The Goenka house was indeed huge, but it paled slightly in comparison with the Birlas. There was a waterfall and a small splash pool with a huge statue of Buddha in the middle of the house for god's sake! A frazzled Manjari endearingly welcomed them into the house warmly as slowly the rest of the Birla family filtered out from the depths of the house. Akshara and Aarohi said a polite hello to everyone, but they hugged Manjari tightly and Manjari in kind lovingly patted both the girls' cheeks. A loud clearing of the throat caused everyone to towards the newcomer, this must be Ambika bua Akshara thought to herself, and she couldn't control the prejudiced anger she felt for her, this was the woman who had caused Abhi pain!

"In my time, young people touched elder's feet not hug them so carelessly" She spat out bitterly all the time giving the Goenka clan a onceover. Akshara could almost taste the awkward tension that had clouded the area they all were standing in and before Aarohi could retort in an equally bitter tone, she grabbed her sister's hand and dragged her to touch the Bua's feet followed by Kairav and Vansh. Akshara had not done this out of respect, she had seen the look of sheer panic pass over Manjari's face, and this would have been the only way to diffuse the tension.

"Uh Mimi, bhaisahab this is Ambika didi, she is the kid's bua and is visiting for Anisha's roka from Mumbai where she currently resides. She is the eldest in our family" Manjari tacked on guiltily.

"In my days, the elders decided rishtas but I have come to terms with Anisha choosing your son. I would never let my daughters run around like Manjari does for Anisha" Another scathing comment from Bua was thrown towards the Goenkas which awkwardly hung in the air. Nobody knew how to respond as this was probably the first time Goenkas had met someone who was this rude outright towards them, they were one of the most respected families in this city and probably in the entire state, while they obviously didn't have the same effect the Birlas did throughout the country, they could still hold their own and all said and done, that shouldn't have mattered as Goenkas did not believe in status and power and all the other bullshit, they however did believe in love and equality and respect given out of actions rather than age.

Mimi who seemed to have had enough of this power play said "Ambika, don't worry the times have changed since you and while I was of the same mentality as you about 30 or so years back I have grown with time as one should" Before the bua could respond, Manjari hastily showed everyone the way to the main living room and slowly everyone began to take their seats but all the kids stood around in their own circle not wanting to get reprimanded again by sitting with the elders.

Akshara could see how uncomfortable everyone was and decided to break the tension by asking Shefali Bhabhi where her shoes were from and she thankfully responded causing everyone to break out into a steady chatter about this and that all the while Kairav bhaiya was making googly eyes at Anisha Bhabhi while Aarohi and Neil seemed to be in a staring match. Where was he he had promised he would be here where was he Akshara wondered to herself almost missing Parth's question about something related to rooh. As Akshara opened her mouth to respond, her heartbeat picked up and she knew he was here!! Her back was faced towards the main door but her suspicions were confirmed when Nishtha let out a loud whoop and rushed over to greet him. At Nishtha's whoop the elders all turned to the door to see Nishtha hugging a stony faced Abhimanyu who was hugging her back while his eyes flitted around looking for something or someone and the moment his eyes met hers the mask on his face slipped a little. Akshara let out the impatient breath she had been holding on to and gave him a slow smile.

"NISHTHA girls don't yell especially in front of guests, apologize right now" came Bua's loud voice and the moment that voice reached Abhimanyu, he broke their eye contact and closed his eyes seeming to gather himself and when he opened them, his stony mask had become colder than ice and the shutters had gone down in his eyes. He seemed to whisper something to Nishtha and kissed her forehead before walking deeper into the room closer to where the elders had gotten up near the couches.

Twin Flames: a YRKKH Abhira ffМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя