Chapter 33

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Neil and Abhimanyu caught up with Parth and co. and the three of them were equally perplexed about what was going on. Nishtha slid in next to Abhimanyu, causing Abhimanyu to reach an arm out and around her shoulder. "You know bhaiya, I am just glad that Akshara didi personally invited me to wherever we are going tonight. None of you ever let me come but I feel included now" Abhimanyu simply smiled at her and ruffled her hair causing her to groan. Manjari who was passing by stopped when she heard Nishtha speak "Out? You guys are going out after this?" All of them looked at each other before Neil wisely said "yeah Maa with the goenkas but uh nobody is supposed to know I don't know why yet, some sort of party maybe? They asked us to keep it on the downlow because maybe they didn't want to invite others?" Parth added "We're not sure where yet but Chachi can we bring Nishtha with us? Akshara said it should be ok and she will be safe, But you know how mom gets." Manjari seemed to have gotten lost in her thoughts for a second before looking at Abhimanyu for some reason "Hmm.. if Akshara says it should be safe, I would trust her. You guys go I'll tell didi she is with you guys."

This caused his heart to beat rapidly and only years of practice stopped his mask from slipping. What did Manjari know?. "And you Abhi? You'll go with them?" Abhimanyu could only give a quick curt nod praying for his face to not betray any form of emotions but what he failed to understand was that him agreeing to go was already enough for Manjari to understand what he was feeling for this was nothing if not his feelings handed to her on a platter. Her Abhi would never willingly hangout with a bunch of people he didn't know, he would have called it frivolous and he for sure would have walked out of here hours back immediately after the roka/tilak ceremony was wrapped up yet here he was, and she could have sworn she saw him laugh and joke with Sudhanshu and Neil earlier. "Okay then, should we start saying our goodbyes so you all can leave?" At Manjari's question all the Birla kids filed in a single row going around the room saying their goodbyes. Mimi took extra-long to say goodbye to Abhimanyu stroking his cheek lovingly "Beta...what you did today? I have no words." Abhimanyu really really disliked accepting gratitude, especially from someone like Mimi but then he saw Akshara's eyes sparkle at Mimi's words and he briefly closed his eyes, and could only manage a nod.

"So you guys are going straight home? Nothing about RC?" Bade Papa asked the Birla gang causing all the Goenka siblings to boo loudly at their bade papa. "BOOOO BP!!" yelled Kairav, Vansh and to the Birla's shock Anisha, this caused Akshu and Aarohi to dissolve into raucous laughter while Manjari and Buaji stared at Anisha in horror. "ANISHA! Apologize right now" Buaji yelled but Bade papa just stroked Anisha's hair. "Nah this bacchi is ours now, she has equal rights to booing at her BP" Akshu winked at him when everyone's attention was at her Bade papa and he just sent her an exasperated look. This family was crazy!! But Abhimanyu was premature in his judgment for the real craziness was just about to begin. "Okayyy goodnight everyone we are soooo tired we will just be going to bed" Kairav announced to their group before winking at the Birlas as he walked them out.

Abhimanyu and Neil reached Abhi's apartment and quickly changed into sweats before waiting for a text from Akshu and lo and behold his phone rang flashing an unknown number, he picked up and put it on speaker so Neil could listen in. "Hello Abhi??" but before he could answer the phone line went quiet, he was about to ask if she was still there but they heard crackling on the phone before Akshara spoke again "Shit sorry, are you there?"

"Yeah...still here with Neil"

"Okay perfect, I think Suds already took Parth Bhai and all to the location and everyone else should be already there. Aaru and I are just leaving, sorry sorry it took this long... Bade papa also naa can you believe it, he was pacing outside our door for the last 20 minutes before we had to get Mimi involved...ok ok phew we'll be there in 10 bye" she spat out all in a single breath before abruptly hanging up the phone.

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