Chapter 18

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Abhimanyu was not scheduled to work at the hospital over this particular weekend yet he rushed to the hospital after the whole panic attack thing because he was just that restless. His head was constantly swimming with the girl's face and he couldn't shake the image of her soulful eyes out of his head. His mind refused to let go of the girl's face and his heart was beating to the hum of the krishna aarti and Abhi genuinely felt like he was coming down with something. 

He  immersed himself in so much work for the rest of the day that his brain couldn't find the time to conjure up the face of that pretty girl yet every time he took a breather he felt like his mind was just waiting to pounce on him with her face and her singing.  After he attended the last emergency for the night and retired to his office he let out a groan and stretched his tired limbs. Abhimanyu laid down on the couch with the intention to get a few hours of sleep in since he knew that this Sunday was his one Sunday he could visit the orphanage and he was genuinely looking forward to it.

As Abhimanyu shut his eyes to try and get some sleep all he could think about was the voice of that girl and he could not take it anymore. Abhimanyu was vehemently against pathetic things like feelings and emotions and shook himself out of the stupor the girl had left behind. He vowed to himself that he will not pay any heed to this girl if he were to ever come across her because he did not want to deal with the feelings she evoked in him. He just wanted to treat his patients and make a name for him so much so that everyone would forget the devil he spawned from and the only Birla name they would remember was Abhimanyu. No he didn't have time for whatever bullshit this was he mused to himself as he shut his eyes.. What Abhimanyu did not realize was that he couldn't control his heart any more than other human beings no matter how stubborn he was. He didn't know when sleep overtook him as his mind was filled with images of the girl in the beautiful lehenga and for once his sleep was uninterrupted by nightmares. 

 ****************Next morning***************

Abhi had never felt this well rested as he made his way over to the orphanage. Parth Bhai had called him last night to let him know that he had someone he wanted Abhimanyu to meet, someone who wanted to work with their orphanage as a music therapist/ child psychologist and Abhi was excited to meet someone with such a unique background. The therapist wasn't supposed to be coming in until the afternoon so Abhimanyu had time to do his monthly health check-ups for all the kids and spend some time with the kids. The orphanage was located in an open space with a huge house with multiple rooms and a big garden and was home to about 35 kids aged from infants- 15yrs and 5 full time employees who managed the day to day needs of the kids. Parth handled everything logistically and was extremely hands-on with the daily life at the orphanage while Abhimanyu popped in once a month to make sure everyone was ok and to spend some time with the kids. The kids loved the Sundays when Abhi was around because that surely meant good food, football matches and lots of fun even if it came with the cost of health check-ups. Abhi was strict with diets and food and made sure the food served to the kids was healthy however on his visit days he made sure they had something yummy to eat post health check ups and football matches. 

The kids lined up to meet with their Abhi bhaiya, while all of them were initially afraid of the stern never smiling Abhimanyu there was just something about him that made the kids feel comfortable. Once all the health check ups were done, Abhimanyu met with the staff before making his way into one of the bathrooms to change into a football jersey and shorts to play with the kids. As he was coming out to the garden he was accosted by Sunita, one of the full time employees and caretakers. Abhimanyu couldn't help but let out an internal groan as he really wasn't in the mood to be flirted with and ogled at. He couldn't even be rude to her since she was one of Manjari's friend's kid and Abhi knew that sunita would probably tattle to his mom about him. 

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