Chapter 20

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Abhimanyu heard someone knock on the door and let out a frustrated "come in", he didn't understand why everything and everyone was about HER. Even in his mind, he refused to say her name. He was looking at some patient's information on his phone and just heard a jangle of bangles clinking against each other before the door slowly opened. 

He knew it was her without having to look up and he let out a soft sigh before trailing his eyes up to meet a set of wide doe shaped eyes. Abhimanyu could make out a bunch of questions in those beautiful but he wished he had the answers to them. 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to eavesdrop earlier, Parth Bhai asked me to wait outside and I..." the moment Abhimanyu realized she had potentially heard everything he couldn't help but feel angry at himself. Why hadn't he kept his voice down? He could clearly see the hurt in her eyes now and he had to desperately look away before he did something crazy like walk up to her and give her a hug or something equally insane. 

"Why don't you want me to come in to work at Birla Hospital?? Aaru is also starting there soon.." She was still talking in a soft tone and Abhimanyu felt like he was mesmerized. He discreetly tried to give her a once over and was lost in it until her heard her tack on the Aaru part. He looked up at her looming figure with a questioning glance. 

"Aarohi, my sister? she is going to be one of your interns. I thought you knew that already" Akshara said confused. Abhimanyu nodded at Akshara acknowledging her and willing her to continue with one of his hands, while the other hand tapped away at the glass table between them. He saw Akshara look down mumbling something sounding a lot like "you can do this"  to herself before piercing him with a watery gaze. Abhimanyu felt like someone had taken a hammer to his heart and before he could interrupt her he heard her stutter out a sentence that made him feel like the world's biggest asshole. 

"is it.. because.." Akshara took a deep breath before continuing "is it because of.. what happened that day?? I promise I don't get anxiety attacks in front of's just.. big crowds, i'm sorry. I know something is broken in my brain but I am trying... " Abhimanyu felt like someone had sucker punched him as he saw a single lone tear slide down her cheek. Before he could help himself he got up pushing his chair back with a loud thud. The crashing sound of the chair caused Akshara to jerk before she gazed at him fearfully. 

"DAMMIT" Abhimanyu bit out when he saw her fear before he stalked around the desk and towards an almost shaking Akshara. He crowded her space to the point where there was no breathing room between them. His brain had short circuited the moment he saw her tears. As he lifted a his hand to wipe the tear from her cheek he saw Akshara flinch and he had never felt this small. He knew people at work feared him but for some reason he didn't want Akshara to fear him. He gently wiped the tears from her cheek maintaining eye contact with her to pacify her. Who was he kidding? he couldn't look away even if he wanted to. 

"Hey it's totally okay to have anxiety, there is nothing broken in your brain I can assure you" He said gently and when he saw her sniffle with trembling lips he chuckled slightly and continued "The last time I checked I did have multiple degrees in medicine, you might want to trust me" He smirked at her and when she returned the smirk with a small watery smile, Abhimanyu felt like he could walk on water! 

"Then why? Did i do something wrong ?" Akshara almost whispered, they were standing too close and whenever either of them breathed the other felt it on their face. Abhimanyu couldn't help but stare at her lips as she spoke but then brought his gaze up to her eyes " No, of course not. Listen I am not like everyone else in my family, I just don't work the same way and I don't think you would be comfortable working with me" 

Abhimanyu knew that he wasn't really doing it for her but more for himself because how would he being explaining to her that her proximity caused him to act like someone totally different? However there was some truth in what he had said because he knew that if she worked with him she would see him for who he was and start being afraid of him. He just thought it was best that they kept their distance as much as they could considering their circumstances. He saw a frown take over Akshara's beautiful features and before he could continue expanding further and telling more lies, the door to the office burst open and both him and Akshara jumped apart guiltily, even though they were not doing anything shady. 

Abhimanyu turned to the door towards the intruder and when he saw it was Sunita he couldn't help but let out a loud internal groan. Why in the hell could he not catch a break today? Before he could admonish her for barging in without knocking, Sunita sauntered over next to Abhimanyu and placed a hand on his shoulder "Abhimanyu" She whined, "Why didn't you come back outside, I was waiting for you" 

Abhimanyu looked over at Akshara and saw a flash of something which looked a lot like hurt in her eyes and he immediately shrugged off Sunita's hands off his shoulders. "It's Dr. Birla or Sir, Sunita. Please knock when you enter my office, I will let this transgression slide for once but make sure it doesn't happen again" He moved around the desk and returned to his seat.

"What did you want?" He asked a stunned Sunita. 

"I came  to get the new hire, like Parth sir asked me to" Sunita replied acerbically before turning her accusatory glance towards a silent Akshara who was looking anywhere but him. 

Abhimanyu knew their time together was up and needed to prolong their eye contact. "Akshara her name is Akshara" When both Akshara and Sunita looked at him with a startled gaze he continued in a heated tone, maintaining eye contact with Akshara " She is going to be an excellent addition to our group and is bringing with her a pretty unique experience, I expect you and others to treat her with professionalism." While he was saying all of this to Sunita, he gave a pointed stare to Akshara trying to convey his feelings. He didn't think she was lacking professionally at all, in fact he was surprised and elated that the person who he had heard such good things about from Parth turned out to be Akshara. He knew he could trust her with the kids, he just couldn't trust himself around her and that was the root cause of all the problems. 

"Parth Sir has asked me to give Akshara a tour, if you'd excuse us SIR" Sunita said acidly to Abhimanyu before waving a hand in front of her indicating that Akshara follow her. Abhimanyu hated seeing her go and didn't know when he would see her next. He was torn between prolonging their meeting and never wanting to see her again but couldn't help but watch her turn her back and leave with a waiting Sunita. 

Abhimanyu's eyes followed her as she got to the door and before Sunita could lead them out, she turned once and looked at him dead in the eyes before saying a "Bye ABHIMANYU" with a smirk on her face and proceeded to follow an annoyed Sunita out. 

Abhimanyu let out a loud chuckle once the door was closed on their retreating backs knowing exactly why she called him by his name. This girl would drive him fucking insane!

As Abhi began gathering his things to leave, he saw a shiny bracelet on the floor of the office and bent to pick it up. He was sure it was Akshara's as he has seen it on her delicate wrists the day of the pooja. It was a silver bracelet with a tiny heart dangling from it. Abhimanyu pocketed the bracelet thinking it would be one more reason where he could talk to her and follow her out but then decided against it and just patted the pocket which now housed the bracelet. It was his now he thought with a smile. Ever since Akshara has claimed her rights to use his name in front of Sunita, for some unknown reason unbeknownst to them, the smile had refused to leave his face and he was sure he looked like a fucking idiot but he couldn't help it. 

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