Chapter 52

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Waking up next to Akshara was like having all his dreams come true at the same time and he prayed to Akshu's kanhaji to grant him this one wish for the rest of his life. He had woken up way before the sun rose, normally a night of no sleep would make him cranky and grumpy but today was different for there she was, his Akshu, currently sleeping peacefully in all her naked glory with her arm thrown over his waist, holding him close, her face burrowed into his side. He felt like a right old creep staring at her while she slept but she was so beautiful that he was captivated.

Abhimanyu felt her stirring slightly and he stilled his body not wanting to wake her up but if it was even possible, she snuggled closer into him with a soft sigh, and he felt like he had rose tinted glasses on and the world was just a tad sharper after their night together. He was grinning first thing in the morning, who the hell was he? He wondered. When he kissed the crown of her head she mumbled sweetly "Mmmm Abhi." and pressed a kiss on his bare chest.

"God baby, waking up next to you, especially after last night, it changed something in me. It was already difficult to let you go, but now? How would we ever go back to just seeing each other so infrequently?" he whispered in her hair.

"Oh Abhi, we'll find a way." Her voice was still thickened with sleep. "I-" she began before clearing her throat "I just want to say that last night meant more for me than anything I have ever experienced in my life."

The relief that surged his body was unparalleled at her confession. "I umm, I get it. I honestly was more nervous than I wanted to let out" he breathed out and looked down at her grinning face. "What? My angry macho monster was nervous?" she wiggled her brows at him making him groan and blush.

"NO, shut up! It's just umm it's just that you have had previous experiences with people you dated, like your ex boyfriends" the mention of her exes made him clench his fists around her body causing her chuckle to deepen "I am assuming that relationship sex is umm more deeper and the connection is better than casual sex and I've only had the latter and that was also infrequent because you know how I feel about people touching me"

His admission caused the grin to drop from her face "You know what Abhi, you're right, maybe we shouldn't talk about our past experiences" he could almost feel the steam coming out of her nose as she said it.

"Oh now is my baby jealous?" when she buried her face into his chest and shook her head, he laughed out loud "Oh sweetheart, you have nothing to be jealous of , you know it and I know it. There is nobody who can make me feel the way you did and do."

Her wide eyes peered up at him at his admission "Really? You mean that?" when he nodded, she continued "You're wrong you know, while I agree physical connections are much deeper when you're in a steady relationship, you also have to understand that my previous relationships were not with Dr. Abhimanyu Birla" this made him quirk his brow "There's only one of you Abhi and what I feel for you couldn't even be compared to anything I've previously felt. You complete me."

Her admission made him groan out loud and he dipped his head to brush his lips with hers for a gentle kiss but the devil that she was, she deepened their kiss and when her hands began to explore further south, he had to flip them around and show her who her body, heart and soul belonged to.

After a long morning spent in each other's arms Akshara looked at the time and finally huffed out "Abhi, you are late!" he grinned at her as he traced a finger over the heated flesh of her shoulder "eh, what's the point of being the owner if you can't even play hooky for one morning."

"Okay Mr. Owner, some of us don't have the liberty to play hooky because you see my boss's boss's boss is a very very strict man" she whispered with a voice laced in humor as she got up pulling the sheet to cover her assets, assets that he was very sad to see covered. He tried to pull her back down onto him, but she moved out of reach giggling loudly and shaking her finger at him. "uhuh no touching or we will never leave the bed, I have to go or I will be very late" he was stunned speechless when she let the sheet pool on the floor as she stepped towards the bathroom. Fuck! Now that he had had her, he thought the desperation he felt would abate slightly yet all it did was make her get more under his skin, if it was even possible.

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