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My heart panged so hard in my chest that I clutched my chest as I worked out my breathing. Fuck. I care deeply about her, and after hearing how heartbroken she sounded, I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep. I proved myself right when I kept tossing and turning in my bed all night, thinking about an upset and heartbroken Jennie. I got out of bed, grabbed my jacket, put on my sneakers, and headed out to her place.

I knew she wouldn't let me in, and I knew that her men wouldn't mind if I stayed out in the cold all night, but I couldn't sleep knowing that she was crying all alone in her bed. I parked my car, and a swarm of men surrounded me with guns pointed at me.

It was late, and they would have known if I was coming for Jennie. I kept my hands up in surrender as Mino approached me. He shouted a command in his language, and they frisked me down while others searched my car.

Upon finding nothing, the men walked away, but I could feel the cool metal of the gun pointed at my back.

"Our boss isn't expecting you." He said.

"I came to see her."


I knew he'd say that. "That's fine. I'll wait out here."

His face remained stoic, and his men dispersed as I walked back to my car. It was late and cold, so I turned on the heater and warmed myself up. The men stayed like a herd around the car while others were hidden somewhere else.

Either way, they were on alert and worked in shifts. They moved in sync and were observant. I had to give it up to her security. Around four in the morning, I turned off the heater, so my car didn't run out of gas but kept my windows closed.

I leaned the chair back but couldn't sleep. I'd never gone to such great lengths for a woman before. It wasn't because of the revenge anymore.

This act was genuine. She was upset, and I wanted to be there for her. I didn't mind waiting for her. I'd wait for this woman for however long it took. I don't know if this is what love is, but this woman scrupulously had a place inside me.

She was submerged somewhere deep inside my heart, and I placed my hand over my chest as if I could feel her there. Was love painful? I thought love was easy and carefree. It hurt to love her. It hurt to think about loving her.

I must have dozed off at some point because the sound of someone banging at my windows woke me up with a jolt. I rubbed my eyes harshly and sat up. I looked to see Mino standing there with a murderous look. He banged harder on the window once more, and I opened my door.


"She's awake and wants to see you."

SHUT DOWN | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now