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Over the years, I've gained the respect and admiration of my dancers and other club owners, who were in awe of my brutal determination to be the very best. But I also gained enemies along the way. Enemies who didn't respect me and tried hard to break me down and rip me into pieces.

They wouldn't. They never would. Who I am and where I got to be, all of that was from my hard work. Years of blood, sweat, and tears to finally be someone who could never ever be touched. Either you respected me, or you feared me.

If you were smart enough, you'd be both. The cars came to a stop, and Mino got out first to make sure that it was safe, then came to help me out. He signalled his men to disperse, and they spread out while he and a few other men stayed with me as we made it inside.

I've always entered from the back entrance. I didn't need the attention on me or anyone shady to see me. It was just another safety precaution that Mino insisted on, and I went along with it. Walking in down the dark back entrance, we took the stairs up to my office.

This was one of the many strip clubs that I owned, and by the end of the night, I'd have checked up on every single one and once ensured that operations were running smoothly, I'd head home for the night.

"Get me the main girls. Spice, Handful, and Tasty. They should be...." I turned on my computer and scanned the screen where I managed the shifts and girls' schedules. "Stage three, six, and twelve."

Mino turned to the man standing next to him and gave him a silent look. He nodded his head and walked outside to get me the girls. While I waited, I pulled out a cigarette from my vintage case and placed it between my lips.

"Want one?" I asked Mino, who shook his head. "I know you smoke."

He gave me a half-smile. "Never on the job, boss."

"Of course." I lit it; the flickering sound of the lighter was the only sound in my office before a knock tapped on my door. "Let them in, but alone Mino. I want your men outside when I talk to my girls."

"Yes, boss."

He opened the door, and once the three dancers walked in, he put his hand up and closed the door. The three dancers walked towards me. They were wearing my line of lingerie. Sexy, daring, and fucking beautiful. My dancers were one of a kind, and I treasured and cherished every single one of them.

I knew their real names but would never violate their privacy by calling them out by them. It was nobody's business what their real names were or what they did when they weren't stripping. Spice's real name was Nayeon, and her nickname came from the ginger wig she wore during her sets. She was naturally a brunette and a single mother with a disabled father to look after. She worked hard to support them both and had my utmost respect. All my dancers did. Handful's real name was Eunbi, and her nickname came from her breasts which were truly a handful. Eunbi didn't wear wigs, and her natural blonde hair, blue eyes, and measurable rack were her signatures in her sets. Tasty's real name was Mina, and her nickname came from the tattoo she had on her backside, right above her ass. Tasty. It had been a joke in college for her but seemed to do her pretty well in tips and private dances as men begged and pleaded to taste her and find out just how tasty she was. She was a raven-black-haired girl with daring siren eyes and was just as beautiful as all my other dancers.

"How're things going?" I asked, exhaling the smoke and ushering them closer.

"Good. We had a few rowdy men the other week, but security dealt with them." Tasty said.

"How many men, and who was the security detail that dealt with them?"

"Four men. And it was Joshua who dealt with them."

I nodded my head and leaned over my desk. "Did they hurt any of the girls?"

"They threatened a dancer in my group." Tasty said.

"Her stage name?"


I kept the cigarette between my lips as I scribbled down the details that I would look at, investigate, and deal with later.

"Spice and Handful, anything from your side?" I looked between the two girls.

"Nothing from my side, Jennie; everything's good." Handful answered politely.

"Nothing new from my side either. Security dealt with the handsy men or throw out the really drunks ones, so it's all safe and good from here."

"Of course. Girls, I want you to do me a favour. You trust me, right?"


"Of course."

"With my life."

"Good. I need you to build a bond with the new dancers. Let them know that it's okay for them to file a complaint with you or me if something happens to them. When I took over, my main priority was your safety and well-being. I may not be around much, but know that I'm always a phone call away." I reassured. "Thank you. You may head back to work now. Be safe."

"What's wrong, boss?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose and let out a heavy exhale. "I don't know, Mino. I have this strange gut feeling that something's going on, but I'm missing it." I stood up. "Come on, we have the other places to check out."

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