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"I'm confused, Jiyong. Explain it to me better. Is this person a fucking cop or not?"

"I don't know for sure. Some are saying the person quit, while others are saying he or she might be undercover and that the whole quitting was a ruse. I don't even know if the rumour is true. It's all gossip on my end. Supposedly this detective quit a week ago because no one wanted to pair up with him or her to go undercover, but I don't know if that's also a lie or not as well." He whispered loudly.

This fucking useless moron. What did he know?

"Who was this detective's target?"


I almost laughed. "Me? What does this detective think he or she has on me?"

"I don't know. The cops in my precinct are saying that this detective doesn't even have a case, and that's why the boss told the detective to drop it."

"So, what? This detective will be coming after me then, all on his or her own?" I asked.

"I don't know. But I'll ask around." He said with a sigh.

"Get back to me." I hung up, and Mino gave me a look. "Have your men seen a suspicious person lurking around my clubs recently?"

He shook his head. "I haven't gotten any reports."

"Some ex-cop is after me." I muttered with a roll of my eyes.

This ex-cop will be the first and last. I'd see to it, personally.

"If this person is an ex-cop, then we don't really have much to worry about, do we?"

I shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not. Or maybe Jiyong is feeding me lies."

"What can I do?"

"We're checking the clubs again. I need you to talk to security one by one. Let them know to report back any suspicious person who hangs out at the clubs or even in the parking lots. Whoever this person is, he or she is out for blood. Jiyong says this detective quit his or her job to pursue me. It's flattering, of course, but I don't like admirers."

I stood up and smoothed my dress down. I grabbed my coat off the back of my chair and tucked it over my body. I pulled my hair out from under and tossed it over my shoulder.


"Of course, boss."

I grabbed my purse and shoved my phone inside before stepping out of my office with Mino behind me.

"We'll hit the hotels and restaurants as well." I added as he helped me in the car.

The sounds of the car engines hummed and revved before we drove out of the lot and to my clubs. I went to every single one of my clubs and talked to all my girls. I warned them that if they were to see a shady person hanging around, they should call security.

I told them to watch out for new faces, for strangers who ask too many questions about me or my work, and to trust their gut. After listening to small complaints about men that seemed off, I gathered that intel, and we went to my restaurants. I spoke to the managers, the valets, and the security and discreetly gave them the same warning.

Last but not least were the few hotels that I co-owned. At the last one, I was exhausted and in dire need of a drink. My men scattered around the various tables behind the hotel bar while I flagged down the bartender.

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