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The estate I'm living in had a gorgeous courtyard entrance, an infinity pool in the Mediterranean-style backyard, a stunning outdoor dining area, and wood-beamed ceilings in the living room areas, with gorgeous chandeliers and elegant interior design.

The house itself was something I used to dream of living in, and once Jessie snatched it for me in a real-estate war between two other families, I knew that I had to have it. I bought it instantly, and it had become my home, and my comfort.

I had a few maids working in and around the house, but I was rarely at home. They were here mostly to prep meals when I couldn't clean, do laundry, and feed my three dogs. Once I was inside, the three Dobermans that I've had since they were puppies padded down the halls barking loudly until they reached me.

"Eros. Zeus. Hades." I petted the top of their heads and got down on the ground, so I could hug them as they licked all over my face. "My cute babies." I chuckled as I fell back from their force. "Did my babies miss me?" I scratched their ears and hugged them tighter. "I missed you guys." They barked in response, their tails wagging in response, and I melted at the spot.

"You're home, dear."

I looked up to see Beth, a sweet old lady who always had her hair up in a bun with her hands folded in front of her.

"I just got home." I stood up, and my dogs stayed close to my feet.

"Shall I make you something to eat?"

I nodded. "Please. Something light will do. Thanks Beth."

"Of course, dear."

"Come." The dogs followed me down the hall and up the stairs to my bedroom. "Heel. Eros, heel."

Eros was the softest of the bunch. Very clingy and wouldn't hurt a fly, well, unless I told him to. My dogs were very well trained from the moment they were born. They only listened to me and Beth since she was the one who fed them in my absence.

They knew better than to attack anyone that I didn't give them permission to or to leave a mess here and there. I headed inside the closet and took off my business clothes, washed up, took my makeup off, and then slipped into some more comfortable silk pyjamas. I brushed my hair up into a bun and stepped outside to where my dogs were waiting patiently for me.

"Come on, let's go."

I had a late dinner in my living room with my dogs surrounding me and the television on in the background. Beth had made me a light chicken stir fry with steamed rice. It was delicious, and I paired it with some white wine. I attempted to do the dishes since Beth cooked, but she smacked my hands away and shooed me. I stayed in the kitchen, watching her as I poured another cup of wine.


"Yes, dear."

"Did you know I used to strip?" I played with the neck of the glass. "I haven't danced in a long while, but I was good at it. Now, I manage strip clubs and care for my dancers as if they were my own children, but I don't strip anymore."

"Do you miss it?"

"Sometimes." I shrugged and took another sip. "I don't know. It's a weird feeling where I miss stripping but don't miss the attention that came with it. I mean, now that I own and manage them all, it's different. It's safer."

"Maybe now that it's safer...you can dance again to see if you still like it or not?"


I grabbed the wine bottle and poured another cup, but this time it was to go. My dogs followed me without command as we went back up to my room.

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