Leaving (22)

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We'd left China, and were now heading over to Mongolia.

Ever since that fight, things had been awkward and Robert and I would barely even look at each other.

I needed to leave the tour soon, or I felt like I was going to fucking die. I was planning on talking to a manager about it after a concert sometime.


I sat as close as possible to the cab door, as did Robert but on the opposite side.

I glanced over to him and saw that he looked tired and wasted. He'd definitely slipped up again.

I'd had a feeling his 'clean' phase wasn't going to last long, since heroin is highly addictive.

Soon enough, we'd arrived at yet another concert. Here recently, I'd noticed that Robert hadn't been doing his best at the concerts anymore, he always seemed so out of it.

The two of us got out and silently went our separate ways, me heading back stage and Robert where ever else.

I'd decided I'd talk to a manager sooner rather than later, I was already on a mission to find one. I couldn't wait any longer.

As I trailed down hallways and back rooms, I finally stumbled upon a manager I'd spoken to a few times to recognize.

"Cindy, hey." I smiled awkwardly.

"Oh hey girl, what's up." She smiled brightly, walking my way.

"Um actually I was needing a favor." I said, trying to get to the point.

"What is it?" She asked, her brows slightly furrowing.

"Well, I was wondering if a plane ride back to England would be possible, because things really aren't going well right now and I really just want to leave this tour." I ranted.

"Well, I know the plane ride could definitely be covered, but do you have anywhere to stay when you land?" She asked.

Other than Robert sometimes, Cindy was about the only other fucking person on this tour who actually gave a shit about me.

We rarely ever got the chance to spend time together though, since she was always busy with work.

"Yeah, that's the thing..." I laughed nervously.

She looked off as if she were thinking intensely, inhaling air through her closed teeth.

"I was going to ask Elise but I don't know if she'd be ok with me staying with her." I spoke.

"Well, I think I can make a few calls. But is she the only person you could stay with? If there's anyone else, they could be plan B if Elise says no." She questioned.

I couldn't think of anyone, until it hit me.


"Well, I know this might come as a surprise, but I think Nikki Sixx might possibly be willing to let me stay with him, if he's off tour that is." I said, rubbing my arm.

"Alright well, I'll let you know what the plan is when I see you next." She smiled warmly.

After giving my thanks, I went to walk out, but stopped as I had one more thing to say.

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