headed towards North America (9)

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I woke up with crust filled eyes and a tired body. I practically flipped and flopped the entire night trying to get the voices to stop, so I didn't get too much sleep.

I stared at my ceiling whilst I thought about going in tour once again. I felt like I was being rushed to make a decision since they'd be leaving in two weeks.

I think deep down I did really want to go, but I felt like I couldn't.

I felt like I'd just end up being a burden, and what was I suppose to do about work? Just quit for six months and then come back? It took so much just to get that job in the first place. I don't just wanna throw away all I have just for some six month trip with a guy.

But then again, it was Robert. And he really wanted me to go, and of course I didn't want to go that long without seeing him.

I raised up from the bed and walked into my bathroom. I stared into the reflection I saw in the mirror. It was pitiful, I was a wreck.

I looked miserable and extremely exhausted. But what could I do? I'd probably always look like this as long as the hallucinations and voices kept on.



I really hoped Maya would go with me on tour. I genuinely don't know if I could mentally and emotionally handle not seeing her for six damn months.

But I could understand if she didn't want to come along. I mean things between us were odd right now. It was to that weird stage where you're more than 'just talking' but you're not in a relationship just quite yet.

But that didn't matter, what mattered was that I needed her to be with me. And if she didn't come along then she was sure to crush me to pieces.


It'd been a week since I asked her.

We released the album yesterday and would very soon be leaving to travel the world.

She still hadn't decided though. She was starting to get me nervous, I was seriously concerned that she wouldn't go, and then everything we had between us would end.

Sometimes I hated being in a band. I mean don't get me wrong, it's fun and junk. But when it comes to love, it always intervened and messed everything up for me, just like it did for Simon and the rest of the band.

I needed an answer from her though, and asap. She'd had me on the edge of my seat since last week.


Another long day of meetings, meetings, and more meetings.

I unlocked my apartment door and slipped myself inside, walking back into my trash filled 'home'.

That'd all change though when I went on tour. Unlike what I have now, I'd have luxury and everything already paid for.

As I took my jacket off I caught myself glancing at the phone.

Should I call her?

No, I don't want to rush her, I shouldn't.

But fuck, I really need an answer.

Hesitantly, I picked up the phone and typed in her number.


By the third ring I was already getting nervous she wouldn't answer. What if she felt like I was bugging her, or rushing her?

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