Chicken nuggets (15)

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That morning I'd been rudely awakened by the loud ass nurses that seemed to have such a problem with me sleeping with Robert.

Why they had a problem with this was beyond me, but they sure wanted him out.

"Do you mind stepping out?" One of them asked him as he sat in his corner chair, without giving him a reason as to why.

"Why?" He asked with a perplexed face, almost a judgmental one which made me giggle inside.

"Um well..." they looked off, obviously not knowing what to come up with.

"Just let him stay, jeez." I interrupted.

I watched as the nurse shot me a nasty side glance before speaking.

"If you please then." They scoffed.

I fucking hated nurses, they were always assholes who just pretended to be nice.

"The fucks their problem?" I whispered over into Robert's ear.

"Well fuck if I know." He scoffed.

This made me laugh a little, I tried to keep it quiet though since the nurse we were dawging on was still very much in the same room.

After more shots and bandages, all the pesky nurses scrammed away to bother other folks, leaving just Robert and I once more.

"You know, I feel fine now. I don't really need all this." I said abruptly, noticing nearly all of my physical pain had left me.

"You don't think you need it. You probably do though." Robert corrected me with a matter-of-factly type of tone.

"Eh, I guess you're right." I sighed as I laid back down onto the bed, my head sinking down into the cold pillow.

"Are you getting hungry?" Robert asked whilst he grabbed hold of my hand again, just to hold it I suppose.

My cheeks flushed slightly as I felt his fingers intertwine with mine. I really did love him a lot.

"Yes, a bit I suppose."

"How about McDonald's?" He asked, rubbing my knuckles with his thumb.

"Can you get me chicken nuggets." I yawned.

"For breakfast?" He chuckled.

"Yeah." I giggled.

"Anything for you I suppose." He looked off raising an eyebrow with an 'I'm secretly judging you but it's actually really obvious' kind of look.

"Hey!" I laughed.

"It's good, I swear!" I added.

"Yeah ok, whatever you say." He said with that same look, but this time a laugh coming after to assure me he was only joking.


After having chicken nuggets for breakfast and laying around for a few more hours, we were finally released to go elsewhere.

Obviously we first went back to the hotel to pack up and then on to the airport where we boarded yet another plane, to Columbia.

Simon said he was going to reschedule the flight, but ended up forgetting due to so much exhaustion the day prior. But everything fell into place perfectly anyways so it wasn't a big deal.

I sat next to the window seat once again. Robert always let me have it, and it always warmed my heart.

"Are you ever going to sit next to the window? Surely you don't just want to look at the back of a seat for hours on end." I asked.

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