Calm (21)

120 7 19


We were now in Beijing, China.

I was getting lonely on this tour, and was seriously thinking about going back to England.

I would have called Nikki to cure my loneliness, but unfortunately his number he'd written with ink on my wrist got smeared, and I wasn't able to make out what it said anymore.

I missed talking to him, but deep down I knew it probably wasn't meant to be. He was probably just feeling flirty and was going to use me anyways. I mean for fucks sake, it was Mötley fucking Crüe.

Things between Robert and I were getting a little better. Things weren't as awkward anymore, but we still weren't really much of a couple.

My hallucinations had been getting worse, and more graphic as well. And I'd ran out of my medicine Robert had bought me months ago, the only medicine I had left was cocaine, which was probably just making things worse.

I had pretty much quit taking crystal meth all together, as I found I liked zombie dust more.

I knew all of this was fucking me up, I just couldn't stop the addiction though, even if I tried.


The concert had just ended and I sat sleepily in my chair backstage, waiting for Robert to show up any minute.

After a few minutes of dozing off, he'd finally shown up.

"Ready?" He asked casually, leaning against the door frame as he watched me raise up.

"As I'll ever be." I smiled slightly, making him chuckle a bit.

Things were slowly getting better between us as the days passed. We had finally gotten more friendly with each other, but hadn't really had any romantic moments in a while.

As I slid past him and out of the room, I felt his hand slip onto the small of my back, guiding me out.

This honestly caught me quite off guard, as I wasn't expecting it. It made my stomach tingle, that same tingle as before, when things were ok. It made me want more.


Robert and I sat in the backseat of a cab driving us to our hotel.

I was glad that Robert had stopped brushing me off so much, I assumed it was only because Simon had found some girl he'd been fooling around with, leaving no time for Robert anymore.

I looked out of the window to see bright city lights and crowded sidewalks. It was quite late, but I'd heard about how China was super crowded so I figured maybe that's why the streets were still crowded.

My eyes were getting heavy and I needed to rest my head badly, but the side of the door wasn't my ideal headrest.

That's when I decided to make my move. Almost suddenly, I gently placed my head onto Robert's shoulder.

Two could play at this game.

I found it funny that I was making moves on him, it's like the night we met all over again.

He felt stiff for a moment, until he relaxed a bit and settled, wrapping an arm around me.

I closed my eyes, and let myself sink into him, I'd never felt more calm. I knew this wasn't likely to happen again anytime soon, so I made sure to enjoy the moment while it lasted.

He smelt like a mixture dope and sweat, not very enjoyable to be snuggling into, but that's not what mattered to me.

I felt his chest fluctuate slowly, and his heart beating.

This boy (Robert Smith x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora