book 2 Part 4

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"I never know what anyone is talking about." yuu said. As Magolor started to sweat. "What is Spelldrive?" Magolor asked. "Dude, Magolor... You've never heard of Spelldrive?!" Ace said dumbfounded. "It's a world-famous sport! There's even a pro league and a world championship tournament." Deuce added. "I ain't never heard of this either!" Grimm said

"Spelldrive is a sport played by competing teams of seven people. Basically, players battle for control of a disc and earn points by drivin' it into the enemy team's goal. The team with the most points wins!" Ace explained

"So it's famous like megaton punch?" Magolor said. "That sounds like football." yuu added. "Football...? Megaton punch? Say what?" deuce said, confused. "Hm. I've not heard of such a game, but I'll look it up the next time I'm at the library. Perhaps it will yield some sort of clue." Crowley said, ignoring Magolor's odd sounding competition.

"Oh, man, I just realized that yuu would have a hard time actually playing." Ace said. "Yeah? Why's that?" Grimm asked. "You need magic to play. Not only do you move the disc with magic, but you use it to attack and defend, too." Deuce said. "The flashier the magic, the better-it's how players show off their skills!" Ace said.

"Yes, quite! That is why Night Raven College is known throughout the world as a leader in the sport! This school has produced countless pro players! That's why our interdorm Spelldrive tournaments attract attention even from pro league recruiters. Also, those simply looking for up-and-coming magicians use the event to scout hopeful candidates. Yes, the tournament is quite an affair. The campus will be full of visitors and lined with various kiosks. And the main event will be captured by television cameras and broadcast worldwide." Crowley explained.

"Wow... That's incredible." yuu said. "It's broadcast throughout the world?! So you're sayin' that if I were to play in this tournament-and win of course-the whole world would see it?!" Grimm said in aw. "Of course! Players who excel at the tournament invariably attract great attention.

Both from the pro leagues and the public at large!" Crowley said. "In your case, the magic would barely even matter. Just having a monster like you out there is sure to turn heads." deuce said.

"And that's a big deal because?" Magolor asked. His eyebrow raised. "What? It's a big deal because the whole world can see you" Deuce said. "Pardon me but I can't see this being a big deal." Magolor said. This left the two native and knowledgeable about the world, shocked. "The ability to learn magic is a head turner where I'm from, but it's pure power that's the big thing. Magic only gets you so far. You have to learn combat if you want to be recognized as a talented individual. Fame also comes along with this." Magolor explained. "That's why the Megaton punch competition is a big deal."

This also made Magolor remember something. "I have something to give you Crowley after this." Magolor said. "Yes yes we'll discuss this later." Crowly said taking something from Magolor

"Where you're from sounds like a drag." Ace said. "It's settled, then! I'm gonna train around the clock, join a team, and become a legend!" Grimm said. "Alas, Grim, you cannot enter." Crowley said. "...Wait, what?" Grimm asked. "Did you not hear me speak the word "interdorm" multiple times? Your dorm doesn't even have seven members. Therefore, you cannot enter the tournament." Crowley said. "Whaaaaaat?! No faaaaair!" Grimm said sad at this new development.

"But there's plenty else to do, from tending to the grounds to selling drinks in the stands!

Those who stand upon the field are not the only stars of tournament day." Crowley adds. "Not. Interested! I wanna be on TV! I want everyone in the world fawning over me! "Squeee! Grim is sooooo cool!" "Did you see that play Grim made?" You get what I'm sayin'?" Grimm said. "Your delusions are oddly specific, dude." Ace said. "Well, if you can't field a team, I'm afraid that's that. Maybe next year, Ramshackle House will get some new members. But it's not happening this year." Deuce added.

"Anyway, as I believe I've mentioned, I'm a busy man. I must be off. Magolor your also needed at the housewardens' meeting." he said looking at the new ramshackle housewarden. "Yeah, thanks for takin' me outta your busy day to build up my dreams and crush 'em! Myaaah! *sob*" Grimm said. As both Magolor and Crowley walked away.

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