book 1 Part 10

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As they were peeling Magolor just stared at his gloves. "Is something the matter Magolor?" Trey asked. "I don't know if I can peel them. My hands aren't normal." Magolor said. "Why do you say that?" Trey asked. "Ehhh I'd Rather not tell. It has something to do with past misdeeds." Magolor said, looking away. "Oh well they say talking to others helps put weight off your chest." Trey said. "I don't know if you want to hear my sob story." Magolor said nervously.

"I don't know what happened. if you're this hesitant to tell me then it makes me more curious." Trey said. "Fine but I'm not gonna tell you the whole thing." Magolor said. "I betrayed someone. It hurt them but it also hurt me in the end. These hands are proof of that." looking to his side Magolor gripped his own glove. "Thanks, I think I can try to start peeling." he said, taking off one of his gloves.

Trey gasped in surprise. "Yup I don't get that alot where I'm from." Magolor rolled his eyes. "It's truly a shame that you reacted that way though." Magolor said. "I'm sorry It's just your hands there, and the nails!" Trey said. "No, it's fine. It just tells me they're abnormale." Magolor said. As he started peeling the nuts. Trey looked ashamed of himself.

"Seriously, don't look so down." Magolor said. "If you say so but you told me and I still reacted negatively." Magolor gave him an annoyed look. "You didn't insult me so it's fine." the popsteren said. After finishing peeling the nuts he placed his glove back on. "I don't like my hands so you don't need to like them either." as he looked at Trey. "Right, everyone, we have to puree the nuts now."

Magolor just stood out of the way as he used his magic to puree the nuts as he read a book. After a while he heard Ace say "There! Finally got 'em all pureed!" sighing Magolor put down his book. "My arm is killing me..." Deuce said. Shaking his arm. "Nice work. It'll be all the sweeter for your pain!" Trey said smiling. "The smell alone already has me droolin'..." Grimm said excitedly.

"I just need to add butter and sugar to the chestnut paste, and a sensible splash of oyster sauce - that's my secret ingredient!" Trey said. "Oyster sauce?!" both Deuce and Ace said surprised. "Yep. The umami of the oysters gives the cream a deep, savory flavor. I use this one here: Walrus-brand Young Oyster Sauce. All the best bakers use it in their tarts." Trey said. "Really? But isn't oyster sauce like, super salty?" Deuce said.

"Some folks put chocolate into curry, don't they? Maybe it's the same idea." Ace says. "Pfft... Ah ha ha ha! I'm totally lying! No one in their right mind would put oyster sauce into a pastry." Trey said, holding in his laugh. "You didn't seem surprised Magolor." Ace said. "That's because I knew he was lying." Magolor said. "What?! So you were just yankin' our chain?" Ace said turnering to Trey.

"Ah ha ha! I mean, if you'd used your brain, you'd have realized how ridiculous it was! Let that be a lesson to you. Don't believe everything you hear." Trey said. "And a fun prank" Magolor added snickering. "Feh. And here I thought that human was actually somewhat decent." Grimm said. "He is, you just don't know how to take a joke." Magolor said. "I would pull pranks all the time with another friend of mine." Magolor said.

This caught everyone's attention. "What! You pull pranks?!" Yuu nearly screamed. "Ya I don't JUST study." Magolor said, raising an eyebrow. "Wow looks can be deceiving." Grimm said. "I would think you HATED pranks." Ace said surprised. "I mean if it would destroy books or hinder my progress ya, but just the occasional hand buzzer is fine." magolor said. "Trust me my friend found out fast not to mess with my work."

"You learn something new everyday." deuce said. "You got that right." Ace added.

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