book 2 Part 8

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Opening the dorm door, Magolor met with Grimm and yuu. "Good afternoon, I'm back from the meeting. What are you talking about?" Magolor asked. "Grimm said he wanted to play Spelldrive so we decided to play a game with the ghost. Hey Magolor can you play with us?" yuu said. "Yeah, but wouldn't we need seven people?" Grimm asked. "It's not a real match, so who cares? Let's just play!" one of the Ghosts said. "Ugh, fine I absolutely hate the idea of this game but just for you." Magolor said begrudgingly.

After playing through a few games Magolor had some fun but mostly disliked using his magic for the game. "Good day. Playing some Spelldrive?" Crowley said watching the group "Aaand here comes the Fun Police. There goes my good mood, right down the drain." Grimm said, now mad at Crowley's appearance. "I'm pleased to see you're all getting along. Quite pleased indeed." he said looking at the group.

"Yeah, they just keep comin' back anyway. Might as well get along, I guess. Did you want something, or..." Grimm asked, in a gloomy mood. "I have a request to make of you three. Why don't we take this inside?" Crowley asked. As everyone headed inside. "Seriously? MORE requests? I ain't a part of your janitorial staff anymore, y'know!" Grimm said.

"Oh? You DO recall that I never promised to cover the living expenses you've been racking up, yes? Hard work can be a beautiful thing, Grim. I'm sure you agree, yuu." Crowley said. "Is that a threat...?" yuu asked, looking over at Magolor he started to get up from the seat he had sat in. "Now now. Your not going to threaten my students now are you?" Magolor said walking over with an angry expression or what they could see anyways, all they could see was his eyes after all.

With a nervous expression as Crowly carefully rephrased his words he clears his throat. "*Ahem* I'll get straight to the point. There has been a rash of students being hurt in suspicious incidents on campus lately. I'm here to ask you to investigate the matter." Crowley asks. "Suspicious incidents...?" Grimm said, confused.

"Yes. Students falling down stairs, getting burns from boiling water, and so forth. The specifics of the incidents differ, but the nurse's office has had a clear spike in patients over the last few days. With yesterday's incident on the stairs, we now have ten wounded students. We're just fortunate that none of the injuries have been life-threatening...yet." Crowley explained. "Ya sure it ain't just kids bein' clumsy?" Grimm asked. "I'm sure many of our students are too distracted by the upcoming tournament to focus properly. But this is far more accidents than we've had in the past years. Furthermore, all of the wounded students were considered contenders to make their dorms' teams." Crowley said.

"That kinda makes more sense in the "distracted students theory" don't you think? I mean those who could make the team would be more distracted. Besides, year demographics can change and aren't static. You of all people should know that." Magolor said, with his hands on his hips. "No Magolor. NOW this is gettin' interesting." Grimm said, rubbing his paws together. "So you don't think they were accidents, then?" yuu said.

"An excellent deduction, yuu. However, we have no evidence of foul play. All of the accidents happened in public spaces, and all of the witnesses said the same thing: "It looked like he was just being careless."" Crowley said. "There's a lot of big IF's," Magolor said. "YA Sounds like they were just bein' careless, then. Case closed! Glad we could sort that out. Bye!" Grimm said annoyed.

"Not the most thorough of investigations, Grim." Crowley said. "But this has got nothin' to do with me! I can't even participate in your dumb tournament! So what do I care what happens? Ptooey!" Grimm said, putting his foot down. "I'm sorry to hear that-especially after I'd prepared such a magnificent reward for you..." Crowly said, trying to convince the three. "Ha! I ain't fallin' for that line again! I wouldn't do it even for a hundred cans of tuna!" Grimm said, seeing through Crowley's lie. "But what if I allowed you to participate in the Spelldrive tournament?" Crowley asked. "PARDONNE-MOI?!" Grimm said loudly, turning to Crowley.

"Not everyone here wants that... What will you give me?" Magolor asks "uhhh want would you like Magolor?" Crowley asks. "Permission to plant a tree..." Magolor said. "That is surprisingly doable. What's the catch?" Crowley asks. "Oh it's just that I want to be able to curse it with my own magic. That's all!" magolor said. grinning, his eyes narrowed. "After all I want to be the sole proffer off of this tree." Magolor said giggling. "Oh uh ok..." Crowley said.

"Should you solve the case, I'll generously permit your dorm to enter the Spelldrive tournament.

What do you say to that? And Magolor to plant his tree... Surely you're dazzled by my altruism?" Crowley said. Grimm was getting excited at the prospect. "As a participant, the whole world will lay eyes upon your majesty. Just imagine the cheers echoing from the sold-out stadium seats "This year's most promising rookie, the mighty Grim, has taken the field! Hurrah!" And so on." Crowley said, feeding Grimm's ego. "Oh, man. It's like I can already taste it..." Grimm said with stars in his eyes.

"Ah, but of course, you have refused my offer. How unfortunate. Let's forget this ever happened." Crowly said, faking wiping tears. "No, wait! WAIT! I'm in! I'll do it!" Grimm said. "What's that? You'll do it, you say?" Crowley said grinning in a triumphant victory. "If you'll let me into the tournament, you bet! Right, yuu?" Grimm asks. "Let's catch the culprit and enter the tourney!" yuu said pumping there fit in the air.

"But hold on a sec. Don't we need seven players? What are you gonna do about that?" Grimm asks. "As school headmage, I will simply perform a magical miracle to fill out your team somehow." Crowley said. "Sold! You got yourself a deal, good sir! C'mon, yuu, we got a crime to solve!" Grimm said happy. "I am counting on you three." Crowley said. "And you better hold up your end of the deal or you will face consequences..." Magolor said, putting a hand on Crowley's shoulder. There was a certain aura that Magolor had that just screamed dangerous so Crowley just nodded his head and went along with Magolor.

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