book 1 Part 5

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"Ace! Behind you!" deuce yelled. "Bwah?! Housewarden!" Ace says in surprise. "Hey, Riddle! What's shakin', pal? You're lookin' adorbs, as always!" Cater says. "Hmph. Cater, keep running that mouth and you'll lose it - along with the rest of your head." Riddle says. "Sorry, sorry! My bad!" Cater apologies. "Myah?! You're the guy who put that stupid collar on me at the orientation ceremony!" Grimm says surprised.

"And you're the new students who were nearly expelled yesterday. I'll ask that you not refer to my signature spell as a "stupid collar." The headmage's habit of tolerating rulebreakers like you is going to send this entire campus spiraling into chaos one day. Those who break the rules should have their heads removed immediately, without exception." Ohhh boy this kid was going to give magolor so much trouble. "Dude, seriously? This guy looks like a wimp, but talks like a monster!" Ace said. "The headmage may have forgiven you, but if you break any further rules, I assure you I will not." Riddle said. "So, uh, listen, housewarden, sir... Any chance I could get you to remove this collar?" Ace asked nervously.

"I had intended to remove it once you'd taken an opportunity to reflect upon your crimes.

But I've not detected so much as a hint of remorse in the foolishness I've heard you spout today.

So I think I'll let you keep that for a while.

Don't worry. The freshman curriculum is more focused on magical theory than practice.

And your inability to use magic will help prevent incidents along the lines of what happened yesterday.

Now, if you've finished your meal, you should quit gossiping and prepare for your next class.

Rule 271 is quite clear: "One must leave the table within fifteen minutes of completing their lunch." You DO understand what happens to rulebreakers, I trust?" Riddle said.

"*Sigh* More insane rules..." Ace couldn't help but sigh. "I believe you mean to say, "Yes, Housewarden!"" Riddle said, putting his hands on his hips. "Yes, Housewarden!" the two cards said dejected. "Very well, then." Riddle said. "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on them." Trey said. "Hmm. As vice housewarden, I trust you'll avoid any further indiscreet conversation. Now, as per rule 339... "The post-meal beverage is to be lemon tea with two sugar cubes." Thus, I must go to acquire my sugar cubes. Farewell. Don't even get me started on their violation of running out of sugar cubes...!" Riddle told them as he started to walk away. But then...

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