prolong Part 9

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the monster wiggles free. "Uh-oh! Looks like it's wriggled free!" Ace said "Hey, Deuce! You gotta add more weight!"

Deuce thinking said "Y-you mean something heavier? Uh... I summon thee, cauldron! And also, uh... Um... Another cauldron! And a cauldron on top of that! All the cauldrons!" "Is that the only thing you know how to summon?!" Ace asked rudely. "Pipe down already! I'm worked up enough as it is!" deuce replied. Everyone runs out of the cave with the monster chasing after them. "Are you kiddin' me?! It's still coming! It pushed off all that weight!" ace yelled in horror. "Ooooooooogh...! Giiive it baaaaack...!" the monster yelled after them. "It's too fast! It's about to catch us!" deuce says. Yuu yells out "But we've weakened it! If we strike now..." everyone stopped and faced the monster. Except for Magolor he just leaned against a tree.

As the group fought with everything they had. Magolor just watched and scrutinized their magic in his head. Sighing he saw how these teen's needed to test and recalculate their magic. After a honesty, a shorter-than-expected battle. The small group celebrated. It was nice to see them so happy about beating an honestly weak foe. "Congrats you guys but gee you all look like you're about to die." Ace and deuce looked at each other and screamed. Blood was dripping down their faces. "It's ok, I have something for this." Ace looked at Magolor as he threw an apple shaped gem at him and deuce. "Uhh thanks what-" rolling his eyes, Magolor smacked his face. "Eat it!" As they both carefully took a bite of the gem. They were surprised at how sweet and easy it was to eat. "Wow this is super good!" Ace exclaimed. Grimm then ate something while they were distracted.

"Shared adversity sure brings people together, huh?" yuu said "Uh... I don't think that had anything to do with it." deuce said "Yeah! Spare us the clichés, yuu!" Ace said. Magolor just giggled. At their reactions. Man that reminds him of when he was still new to the whole 'helping' thing. Grimm then just had to boost his ego by saying "There's no "together" here! We won 'cause of me! This is all from me bein' a magical genius!" Ace looking down said "Y'know... I hate to admit it, but... We mostly won because of your guys' plan." he said to both yuu and Magolor.

"Yeah... if you guys hadn't managed to keep your cool and tell us all what to do, we never would have got this magestone. Now I won't get expelled. And wow, is THAT a relief!" "We won because we all worked together." Yuu said still not getting the memo and trying to have the two get along. Magolor sighed "I still hate that you brought me along with you guys. it's a pain to be dragged into fighting such a weak monster." the group's necks nearly snapped as they looked at Magolor. "You're joking. That thing was super tough, or do you just have a big ego." rolling his eyes at this comment Magolor sighed out a "you haven't even seen me use my magic! So how do you know I'm NOT lying."

The 'team' opened their mouths to say something. In the end they just stayed silent thinking. "You didn't ever use your magic," yuu says. Looking at Magolor. "Ya I didn't need to. It was so weak I thought you guys could handle it with ease. Looks like I was wrong. About you" they all felt shamed. Holding his book Magolor then started walking. "Hay where are you going! Uhh-" both cards looked at each. They had no idea who this person was, or they just forgot his name. But after THAT they would remember it. "Magolor now are you coming to the mirror?" He says sassaily. "Ya just wait up Magolor" deuce said. He had a new outlook on Magolor.

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