book 1 Part 3

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"Recolor the roses with magic..." deuce said. "Can't say I've ever done this before." Grimm said. "Child's play" Magolor said. "Relax, it'll be fine. You got this! But maybe do it before I lose my head? K-thanx!" The boy said. "Red... Red... BAM! Wh-whoa! It turned blue?!" deuce said as magic failed to get the red color he wanted. "Change, o foul color! Change! AHA! BWAH! The rose caught on fire!" Grimm yelled. Sighing Magolor used his magic and well over half of the roses were finished. So after just one spell he left the dorm to get to class. "Wow. You're even less competent than I thought." Cater said. "Yo, maybe you should just leave the roses white! They look perfectly pretty 'n stuff to me." Ace said.

"It's a matter of tradition. You can't have an unbirthday party without the roses being red. And you can't play croquet without seven-colored flamingos as mallets and a hedgehog for a ball. Oh, but of course, the roses need to be white when the garden flowers put on their spring concert. That's absolutely crucial." Cater said. "All your rules are completely insane!" Grimm said "They say the Queen of Hearts made up these rules herself - she was one of the Great Seven, you know. And Riddle is all about tradition. Probably more than previous housewardens, T-B-H. I'll admit that he's, well... a bit extra." Cater said. "Yeah, no kidding. I sure don't have time for this nonsense. Is Riddle here? I gotta talk to him." Ace said annoyed with the time being taken.

"Yeah, probably. But are you sure that's wise? Did you even bring an apology tart to replace the one you ate?" Cater told him. "Uh, no...? I came here first thing in the morning!" Ace said "Ah ah ah... That could be a problem. Have you forgotten rule 53? "Stolen items must be replaced." If you're not in compliance, I can't let you in." Cater said. "Are you serious?!" Ace said.

"All dorm residents must obey the rules. If I let you slide, it would be off with my head next! I hate to say it, Ace, but I'm gonna need you to leave before Riddle spots you. Thanx." Cater said. "I... think this guy is for real. You guys, do something!" Ace asked. "Why should WE do anything?" deuce asked. "C'mon, please! I can't use magic! Hurry, he's-" as the small group got into a fight with Cater. After the fight, cater lead them to the exit of heartslabyul. "Was that guy for real?!" Ace said. "We hit him over and over, but he just kept coming. Maybe he was using some kind of illusion magic?"

"So lemme get this straight: we walked in there, totally tartless, but this dude still made us do that whole song and dance before throwing us out? He just wanted to make us paint his stupid roses!" Ace said annoyed. "We sure look like a bunch of chumps." Grimm said. "I guess we'll just have to get an apology tart and come back. Maybe after class, we can- Oh no!" deuce said. "What's wrong?" yuu said. "We already missed the first bell! We're gonna be late for class!" duce said. "Myah! I don't wanna get a blemish on the first day of my glorious Night Raven education! Shake a leg, chumps! To the classroom, pronto!" Grimm said.

"Hey, so what class are you guys in, anyway? You're freshmen too, right?" Ace said. "The headmage said we're in Class 1-A!" Grimm said. "Hey, that's the same one I'm in. We got Potionology for first period." deuce said. "Oh ho, yeah! That sounds awesome!" Grimm said. "M-maybe I don't need magic for that?" Ace said.

"Ah. You must be my new homeroom students.

Hm, that's quite the unusual coat of fur. Do make sure that you arrive properly groomed.

My name is Divus Crewel. You may call me Master Crewel.

Now, take your seats. Class is about to begin. We're going to start with the basics.

And by that, I mean beating the names and distinguishing characteristics of one hundred herbs and poisons into your tiny brains.

The mycelia are another matter. But eventually, I'm hopeful you'll be able to take a walk without putting anything poisonous into your gaping maws.

For now, I realize you have all the self-control of voracious hounds.

But I will not abide a single student failing this class. Expect to be drilled accordingly." After listening to that earful deuce asked. "Huh. So... does anyone know what a mycelia is?" "I've never been one for like, memorizing what things are, ya know?" Ace said. "All I care about is how to tell the yummy plants from the yucky ones." Grimm said. The whole class the four never saw magolor.

"I am your History of Magic teacher, Mozus Trein. And this is my familiar, Lucius.

You are here to learn the rich history of magic, and how it has sculpted the world which you now so easily take for granted." "Mrrrrooowww..."

"I grade based on classroom behavior as well as the quality of work. Don't let me catch you sleeping. Now, let us open our books to page fifteen. This section concerns the magestones discovered in the Dwarfs' Mine..." "Mrrrrooowww..." "As knowledge and awareness of magical energy began to spread across the globe from this point, this year is considered Year One of the Magic Era..." "Mrrrrooowww... *yawn*"

Ace fell asleep quickly. Deuce mumbled "Fascinating... "Dwarfs' Mine"... Mhm, mhm... "magical energy"..." Grimm just complained "Maaan... When do we get to the classes where we blow stuff up with magic?"

"I'm Coach Vargas, and physically educating your feeble little bodies is my responsibility. Great sorcery begins with a great physique! Behold the muscles you can build with a diet of raw eggs! A great mage needs a great physical constitution! So gimme twenty laps, and a hundred push-ups!" ace jut complained "Bleah. The forced exercise is bad enough, but meatheads like this guy drive me nuts." "Finally! A subject I'm good at!" deuce said. "Explain to me the appeal of runnin' around in circles! Do I look like a hamster?" Grimm said.

"Let's see, our next class is..." deuce said looking at his schedule. Ace couldn't help but complain "This so-called magic academy feels a lot like a lame, ordinary school. It's not exactly what I expected, but at least this collar won't be much of a problem after all. You with me on that, Grim? ...Hm?" "I have a bad feeling about this..." yuu said. "Oh! Look out the window! I just saw a ball of fur running across the yard!"

"No way am I puttin' up with this boring routine day in and day out. I'm Grim, Sorcerer Prodigy, and I don't need no one to teach me how to blow stuff up!" Grimm yelled. "He's cutting class on the first day?!" yuu said, "Boy, that guy is not a fast learner." deuce added. "Not a good look to lose your only student on your first day as prefect. Want help catching him?" Ace asked. "Yes, thank you" yuu said gratefully.

"I do love the chocolate croissants at the co-op." Ace said grinning. "I'd do it for an iced latte at the cafeteria." deuce said. "Grrrr..." yuu said. "Grim's getting away... Do we have a deal, or what?" Before yuu could answer a familiar face came into view holding Grimm. "Oh my perfect you must take better care of grimm." "MAGOLOR!!? Where were you? You weren't in class." Ace says. Rolling his eyes, Magolor could only sigh. "I take advanced classes since I know all the basics. Please stop putting me at your level, I have accomplished feats that you couldn't even comprehend. So stop underestimating me." he said proudly as he handed Grimm to yuu. "Well I have to get to class now so you should probably stop looking for me. Instead you should focus on your classes."

Later at lunch...

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