book 1 Part 21

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"Nngh?! What just-" Riddle said, his eyes widening as the bushes turned to cards. "Riddle, stop this right now!" Trey said standing up. "Wait, is that Trey's "Paint the Roses"?! But... how?!" Cater said, amazed and horrified at the same time. As the collars were also gone. "What did I tell you? My magic can overwrite characteristics for a short time. So I used it to make "Riddle's magic" into "my magic."" Trey told the party. "You can do that? That's some kinda loophole!" Cater said.

"N-no... Off with their heads! I SAID, off with their heads!" Riddle says spewing out magic like a cornered animal. "Riddle, stop. Can't you see how you look right now?" Trey said, trying to reason with Riddle. As other students whispered.

"What? Was my magic overwritten by yours? Does that mean your signature spell is stronger than mine?!" Riddle said shocked. "Of course it doesn't. Riddle, take a deep breath and listen to us" Trey said, trying to help his friend. "Are YOU going to tell me that I'm wrong too? After all I've done to protect the rule of law?! Do you know how much I've suffered for this?! I... I refuse to believe this!" Riddle said. Riddle didn't want to confront the fact he may be wrong, that his mother was wrong.

"Cease immediately, Mr. Rosehearts! Any further attempt to use magic will leave your magestone completely tainted with blot!" Crowly said, reaching his hand out to stop Riddle. "But... I'm right! I'M the one who's right! There is NO! POSSIBLE! ALTERNATIVE!" Riddle yelled out. "Riddle, stop!" Trey said tears falling from his face. As the sky darkened. Purple mist creeped in the maze. As bolt dripped firm Riddle's magic pen. Magolor's eyes looked at the now changed Riddle. Then Magolor fell to his knees.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Magolor screamed out. Holding his head it felt like it was being ripped open. "Did his whole body just change?!" yuu said as they ran to Magolor's side as they look up at Riddle. Yuu remembers that Magolor had this very same thing happen when he tried to lift the chandelier. "It's ok Magolor." yuu said crying as they saw their housewarden in pain. Magolor helped take care of them.

world. In my world, I am the law. I am order made manifest! The only response I will accept from you is "Yes, Housewarden Riddle." All who defy me will lose their heads! Ah ha ha ha ha!" Riddle said. His now black attire dripped with bolt.

"Dear me, what have I done? I've allowed a student to overblot in my presence!" Crowley said worried ""Overblot"? What does that mean?!" Grimm asked. "Overblot is a dangerous condition that mages must avoid at all costs. At the moment, he is overcome by negative energy, and has lost control of his magic and emotions." Crowley explained. "Okay, sure... but what does that mean?" Grimm asked. "To put it in layman's terms, he's in evil berserker mode!" Cater said.

Then Grimm looked back to Magolor. "And him?" Grimm asked worriedly. Magolor was screaming bloody murder As he held his head. "Absolutely no clue." Crowley said, shrugging. "If Riddle keeps releasing magical energy, we could be looking at a loss of life here - his included." Trey said nervously. "Uh, WHAT?!" Grimm yells.

"The well-being of my students is my top priority. Therefore, I must evacuate them immediately.

As for Mr. Rosehearts, we must restore his consciousness before his magical energy runs dry. For as bad as losing him would be, there are scenarios that are far worse... Listen well: I need all of you to seek help from the other housewardens and members of the faculty" Crowley explains

"Hiiiyah! Take that!" Ace yells filinging air magic at Riddle. "I summon thee, cauldron." Duce yells as a cauldron falls from the sky. "What do you fools think you're doing?" Riddle asks as he flings spells at Riddle. "Um, hello?! 911? We've got an idiot emergency!" Cater says. "You DID hear that part about how reeeal bad things are happenin' with him, right?!" Grimm says. "That's why we need to stop him now! I don't want that on my conscience!" Deuce says. "And I'm not givin' up till I hear him say "I was wrong and I'm sorry."" Ace tells the others.

"*sigh* All right, let's do this. I can overwrite his magic for a little longer. In the meantime, do what you can! Headmage, please evacuate the other students!" Trey says. "Wait! This is dangerous!" Crowley says, waving his hands. "Are you S-R-S, Trey? You can't beat Riddle!" Cater said. "So what, you're not even gonna fight unless you KNOW you can win?" Ace says fighting "Yeah, he's right. That's weak." Grimm says looking at the others.

"This is the only way we can think of to snap him out of this!" Deuce tells them "Yeah... I don't want to lose him. There're too many things I've left unsaid." Trey said defeated. "We just have to do this, whatever it takes!" yuu said holding Magolor up. "Y-ya keep a-at it i-idiots." Magolor says wincing in pain.

"Ugh, I do NOT like or subscribe to this, but fine!" Cater says. "Ngh... I'll be back as soon as I've gotten the students to safety. Stand firm until then!" Crowly says. "Such defiance, from every last one of you! I shall take all of your heads!" Riddle says not a single drop or remorse in his voice. "Riddle's body can't take much more of this. We need to stop him before it's too late!" Trey says.

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