Chapter Thirty-Four

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  Ambrosia couldn’t help but listen in to Ariella’s conversation with Oliver; once Ambrosia caught a glimpse of Oliver, she froze. It’s been a full year since she saw her old friends, Robbie and Oliver but now they were at Hogwarts but for Ariella. She stood by the doors of the Great Hall with Draco leaning against the door behind her; he heard every word as well.

   “I hate her so much.” Ambrosia clenched her teeth as she watched as Oliver walked away and disappeared into the night with Robbie by his side.

   “Why? Why don’t you follow Ariella and move on?” Draco said bitterly as he pushed himself off the door and headed for the Slytherin Dungeons.

   “You can’t tell me you’re not upset that Ariella is dating Cedric now?!” Ambrosia yelled.

  Draco stopped in his tracks, his hands were in the pockets of his dress robe, and he turned around and gave her a smirk. “How can I be? I’ve been with you for the past month now.”

   “For her sake!”

   “Against my will.” He took a step closer towards Ambrosia “Just like how you held Oliver against his.” Draco said coldly before he turned around and headed for the dungeons but Ambrosia stood there paralyzed, she was hurt by Draco’s words. Her eyes began to water and a whimper escaped her lips.

  Draco never let Ambrosia forget what she did but up until that night, she never let it get to her. When she saw Oliver walk away after he came all the way from Puddlemere to visit Ariella, she felt hurt that he would have never done the same for her. She knew that Oliver hated her for what she did but she couldn’t help it, she couldn’t watch him love someone else, someone other than her.

  Ambrosia pressed her hand against her mouth, muffling the sound escaping her lips but the more she tried to restrain herself, the more the tears began to fall. Her mascara was running down her face, she was alone and because of what she did, no one would be there to wipe her tears. She stood in the silence of the halls when a robe was placed over her shoulders; she brought her head up and saw Draco with his black vest over his white dress shirt, he had place his robe over Ambrosia. She thought he would have left but he came back for her.

   “Come on.” Draco extended his hand towards Ambrosia. She stared at it with her disbelief, he didn’t bother to look at her but he was there for her. “Let’s go.” He demanded.

  Ambrosia slipped her hand into Draco’s hand as the other wiped the tears underneath her eyes. Draco held her hand tight as he walked her up the steps, he didn’t let go of her hand but he led the way; Ambrosia continued to stare with him with disbelief. Draco was, in his own way, comforting Ambrosia regardless she’s been nothing but terrible to him and forcing him to date her when he liked Ariella. As the two walked through the halls, Ambrosia held onto Draco’s hand but kept her distance away; she didn’t know what to say to his sudden act of kindness. When they arrived at the Ravenclaw Tower, Draco turned around and looked at Ambrosia’s face, her eyes smeared with make-up and her eyes bloodshot red, irritated from crying.  He reached into his pocket and took out a handkerchief; Ambrosia stared at it, as if it was something out of this world.

   “Clean your face.” Draco said bluntly.

  She slowly reached out for it and wiped her eyes, streaks of mascara tainted the handkerchief as well as her foundation and eye shadow; she knew Draco wouldn’t want it back. She slowly took off his robe that he placed around her shoulders and returned it.

   “Draco…” She said softly as her head was down, her arm extended with the robe in hand. He took the robe and placed it in between his hand and elbow.

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