Chapter Thirty-Two

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Before reading, the song is "A Thousand Years Pt. 2" by Christina Perri ft. Steve Kazee! I've placed asterisks to let you know to start the music! :)


  As the lessons progressed throughout the day and day of the Yule Ball, Ariella was busy like every other girl, running from one class to the other, indulging in all lessons. Ariella hardly saw Harry, Ron or Hermione because they were also busy running around the castle, the time she did get to see them would be during lunch but it wasn’t for long. The day of the Yule Ball complete chaos, all the girls spent hours before the event to primp and prepare for their date.

  Fleur helped Ariella into her gown and loosely curled her hair as well as styled it. As she was getting ready, she couldn’t help but notice that Ambrosia’s gown was a strapless midnight blue satin gown,  a embroider belt ran along her waist while the rest of the dress remained simple and elegant. It made Ariella amazed how Ambrosia’s dress and Ariella’s dress contrasted with each other as well as their personalities. Ariella’s dress was more extravagant and fun while Ambrosia’s dress was more sophisticated and mature.

  As Fleur finished with Ariella’s hair, Ariella turned around and her jaw dropped as she stared at Fleur’s dress, it was a long flowing white satin dress with a translucent white sash to go with it; it was absolutely beautiful.

   “Is Cedric meeting you here?” Fleur asked as she applied a light pink matte lipstick on her lips

   “No, I just told him that I’ll meet him at the Great Hall.” Ariella said before she walked away and placed her hand on her chest.

   “Ariella?” Fleur noticed as she walked away through the reflection of the mirror, she followed after Ariella and found her on the balcony overlooking the Ravenclaw common room. “What’s wrong?” She said as she placed her hand on her back.

  Ariella looked at Fleur and smiled “Nothing, I’m just really nervous.”

   “We all are but don’t worry, when you see Cedric, all of worries will disappear and his will too, I mean, look at you!” Fleur stepped back and gestured forward “You’re gorgeous!” She smiled.

  A tiny drop of relief spread throughout Ariella’s body but only temporary, Ariella walked up and gave Fleur a hug before Fleur pulled away and reminded Ariella that the champions and their dates had to be there early. Fleur and Ariella left the common room and saw guys waiting outside for their dates and girls running at the very last minute to get ready. The walk down to the Great Hall made Ariella feel anxious, it’s been a while since she ever felt like this; when she was staring at the staircase that led to the entrance of the Great Hall, she could see the inside of the hall dressed in a winter wonderland.

  Teachers stood outside the hall while Professor McGonagall scurried outside, checking if everything was in place. Ariella watched as she approached a boy with brown locks dressed in a midnight black dress robe, he gave her a nod before he turned his face for Ariella to see, it was Cedric. She felt her heart to a little dance and the butterflies in her stomach swarm, Roger Davis was standing beside him and noticed Fleur and gestured Cedric to look up. Ariella saw the whites of Cedric’s teeth as his eyes curled into a smile.

   “Don’t be nervous.” Fleur whispered before she walked down the staircase and extended her hand for Roger’s.

  It was Ariella’s turn; she took a deep breath with her hand pressed against her chest, feeling the rapid beating of her heart. Once she exhaled, she felt a slight tingle spread throughout her body before she slowly descended down the staircase; she couldn’t suppress her smile as she drew closer to Cedric and it was true that once she saw Cedric her worries began to disappear. As she descended down the staircase, she noticed Hermione dressed in a beautiful pink and purple gown, her jaw dropped but a smile formed as she saw Ariella; her arms were linked with Viktor’s who was dressed in a red military suit. She also noticed Harry who had an amazed yet sour look on his face knowing his two best friends are the dates of the other two champions, his date was Parvati Patil her dress was a very traditional cultured dress but stunning nonetheless.

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