Chapter Eighteen

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  The four stared into the eyes of death, a color of grey as if the light as they know was drained from existence as they were staring into his eyes. Sirius Black had a sinister smile; his clothes tattered and ripped the same clothes he wore as a prisoner in Azkaban. As they stared into his eyes, they made no sudden movements; he took a step forward and instantly, Hermione and Ariella casted themselves in front of Harry and Ron.

   “Step aside.” Sirius chuckled.

   “No, if you want to kill Harry, you have to kill us too!” Hermione shouted.

  Ariella didn’t back down to Hermione’s word, she stayed acting as a shield between Sirius and her friends. If she were to die tonight, well, let’s just she’s thankful to everyone at Hogwarts, even Oliver, if she didn’t lose him, she wouldn’t be standing her.

   “Only one will die tonight.” Sirius said.

  Instantly, Harry shoved Hermione and Ariella out of the way and attacked Sirius, Ariella screamed but Ron held her leg back. She snapped her head back at Ron asking him to let go but she watched Hermione as she stood petrified.

  They watched in horror as Harry threw Sirius on the ground, Sirius showed no interest in fighting Harry; he laughed as Harry pinned him down with his wand pointing right in between his eyes. He taunted Harry as if he wasn’t really going to kill him. Harry stared at him and suddenly, Professor Lupin walked through the door disarming Harry.

  The four stood in shock, Harry slowly backed away as he watched Professor Lupin bring Sirius Black to his feet to embrace him. No one could really understand what was going on; Professor Lupin and Sirius Black are friends? And after all this time, could it be that Professor Lupin during his absence was helping Sirius Black get to Harry?

  Hermione yelled at Professor Lupin to her disbelief that he was in cahoots with Sirius Black, as well as exposing that Professor Lupin is actually a werewolf.  Astonished, Professor Lupin was, he asked how Hermione could have known that, she brought up the essay Professor Snape assigned which in Ariella’s mind put the pieces together considering whenever Professor Lupin was absent there was a full moon later on in the night.

  That cleared one question Ariella had but the other question was how Professor Lupin and Sirius Black friends. They watched as Sirius Black was becoming rather frantic as everyone sought out answers.

   “Enough talk, let’s kill him!” Sirius cried out

   “Wait!” Professor Lupin raised his wand to caution Sirius that if he spoke again, he’d charm him.

   “I did my waiting!” Sirius screamed as he stood by the door. “Twelve years of it!” His face filled with agony and despair “In Azkaban!” He finished, his breath were heavy by the time he reached the end of his sentence. Professor Lupin gave him a sympathetic look before he turned towards the four.

  He lent the wand to Sirius but begged him to wait until he gave Harry a full explanation why. Harry didn’t need to hear anything, he heard all of it that day at Hogsmeade but to Sirius and Professor Lupin, what Harry said was a lie. Professor Lupin did mention that there was a man who did betrayed Harry’s parents but it wasn’t Sirius, it was the man everyone thought to be dead till Harry saw him on the map.

   “Peter Pettigrew!” Sirius shouted hysterically “He’s here! In this room! Come out, come out and play!” Sirius shouted as he spun in a slight circle but as he stood by Professor Lupin’s side facing the four, the wand flew out of his hand.

  There, standing behind Professor Lupin and Sirius with a smile upon his face, the first the four have seen in years, was Professor Snape. The look in his eyes showed that he longed for this day, to find Sirius Black; he pointed his wand at Sirius. Professor Snape knew all along, he knew that Professor Lupin was trying to help a friend into the Castle and now here, Sirius Black was the proof he needed. Sirius Black taunted Professor Snape but he didn’t rise to his bait, he retaliated using the Dementors, the guards of Azkaban as a threat. There was a hint of fear into the eyes of death; Professor Snape noticed it and smirked.

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