Chapter Eleven

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  She waited for his response yet in fear, she was afraid what Neville would say, whether he would judge her or not. He opened his mouth and by instinct, she winced. She waited for him to say something but after standing in fear with her eyes tightly shut, she realized he didn’t say a word. She slowly opened her eyes to find Neville giving her an odd reaction. She stared at him with an expression that spoke for itself but he shrugged her shoulders.

   She scoffed and spread her hands out “Well, aren’t you going to say anything?” 

  He scratched the side of his face as he shifted in his seat uncomfortably; his eyes were focused on the blades of grass that peered out from under the foot of the bench.

   “Okay, what am I supposed to say? It’s a hypothetical assumption that you like Oliver.” He said as he added emphasis on the word like.

  Ariella stuttered but when she realized she defeated the purpose of finding help, she groaned which made Neville laugh. He stood up and just shrugged his shoulders.

   “I don’t know Oliver that much but considering the way Harry talks about him, he seems like a nice guy. Besides, what did you want me to say if you actually told me you genuinely like him?”

  She stared into his eyes as she bit the inside of her cheek; she scratched the back of her head and wondered for a second, what exactly she wanted to hear.

   “Well, I wanted a second opinion, I guess; a second voice to confirm whether I’m crazy or not for liking him.”

   “Well, what does it matter what I think? I know I sound like a hypocrite for saying this but who cares what other people say?” He looked down as he continued to talk “My Gran tells me that and I try but,” It showed on his face how uncomfortable he was. “The point is I’m trying. Maybe, you should too.” He said.

  Ariella took Neville’s words like a grain of salt. However, it would be a dynamic change for her; for her being a wallflower to this newly confident girl who isn’t afraid to say who she is. There was already an issue with certain people not accepting the change in Ariella and she wasn’t sure if she was ready to make the change.

  Time past throughout the Castle, Neville and Ariella spent their time talking about how things were and the possibility that Sirius Black is still lurking around the Castle because there was unfinished business he still had to take care of. After free period was over, it was time for dinner. Neville and Ariella walked together till they left to join their houses, Ariella sat at the table where students dressed with their royal sapphire blue robes, representing Ravenclaw, were starting to eat.

  Since the first day she got back, she felt more comfortable talking to people even though it was out of her character, she instantly made friends with Ebony who she previously knew and a few others students such as Luna Lovegood, Roger Davies, Padma Patil, Anthony Goldstein and Marietta Edgecombe. In the middle of dinner, she caught a glimpse of Harry who was sitting on the opposite side of the table where his eyes met Ariella’s. For a moment, she forgot that there was still unfinished business of her own, that she has yet to deal with.

  Once dinner was over, Professor Dumbledore announced that it was now confirmed that it was safe to return to the common rooms. Harry met with her before she headed upstairs to tell her that Ron will only talk to her after dinner, it was sudden for her. She wasn’t prepared nor did she know what she would even say to Ron. Ariella had to hide from the Penelope so she wouldn’t be whisked away to the Ravenclaw Tower. She stood beside the stone torch where the warm amber color fire only made her nervous as she watched it dance in the wind.

   “Settle down, Ariella.” She said to herself as she dropped her head.

   “Why, are you nervous?” A voice said after.

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