Chapter Twenty

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  The night was almost dream-like for Ariella, when they arrived back at the Hospital Wing; Ron looked at them in confusion while Hermione had a huge smile on her face as she knew what they have accomplished.

  There was only a few days left before the term ended, everything was absolutely perfect for Ariella. Harry received an anonymous package, it was a Firebolt, during sometime in the year Harry’s Nimbus 2000 was damaged by the Whomping Willow tree after the Dementors interrupted the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff Quidditch match. Harry stared at the broom with awe and wondered who the broom was from, Hermione and Ariella smiled once they noticed the Hippogriff feather.

   “This came with it.” Ariella lifted for Harry to see.

  The last day of School, Professor Dumbledore gave his end of the year speech and announced that it was a close call between Slytherin and Gryffindor for the House Cup; in the end, Gryffindor won. Ariella separated from her Ron, Hermione and Harry to go finish packing.

   “You’re going to sit with us for the ride home?” Hermione asked.

  Ariella nodded and headed to the Ravenclaw Tower. As she reached the fifth floor corridor, she could hear shouting echoing throughout the halls; she didn’t pay attention to it as it was none of her concern but as she was a distance from the spiral staircase leading to the Tower, emerging from the east wing was Oliver and Ambrosia.

  They were the source of all the commotion, Ariella slowly stopped in her steps and hid behind the stone pillar.

   “Ambrosia!” Oliver yelled. There was a tone in his voice that Ariella heard once; it was the sound of anger. Were they fighting? “Ambrosia, I’m not done yet!”

  Ariella could hear footsteps heading into the direction of the tower, when she turned her head, she watched as they were heading up the tower. She made her chance to head for the spiral case but remained at the bottom.

   “Look at me!” Oliver’s yell echoed through the stairs.

  Ariella looked up to only see Oliver’s forcefully turning Ambrosia around; there was a whimper in her voice. Ambrosia’s head wasn’t facing Oliver, as it looked down; Ariella made sure that she wasn’t noticed.

   “Draco told me everything. A Love Potion? You had me under the influence for four months!” Oliver yelled. It was a side that scared even Ariella.

  Ariella realized Oliver’s words, Love Potion. That explained everything, Ariella leaned against the cobblestone wall and chuckled to herself, despite being a Ravenclaw there were some things she couldn’t catch on even with her quick wit. But there was something that caught Ariella’s attention, Draco told Oliver. When did he figure that out? And why didn’t Draco say anything?

   “It wasn’t fair!” Ambrosia yelled back.

   “No, no it wasn’t fair! It wasn’t fair to me or Ariella. You know, I’m lucky if she’ll even talk to me after this!” Oliver took his hands away from Ambrosia; he was absolutely disgusted with her.

   “Don’t count on it!” Ambrosia snapped at Oliver. “Last time you saw her, she was crying her eyes out, you treated her poorly and why? All because you were in love with me.”

  Oliver turned around and Ariella heard his footsteps head towards Ambrosia “You could have just told me you liked me. But now, it’s too late.”

   “So, what does that mean?”

   “I’m done with you.”

   “So, does that mean we’re not friends anymore!?” Ambrosia shrieked as Oliver headed downstairs, she followed him and near the bottom, Ariella hid behind the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw.

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