Chapter Eight

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  Ariella woke up feeling sore spending the night lying on the stone floor; she took a moment to look around before she got up and left to use the washroom. She noticed there were still people sleeping but it escaped her mind that she was in the Great Hall because Sirius Black was seen in the Castle by the Fat Lady.

  She lifted her body by pushing down on the floor, she felt a little light headed but it faded once she made her way to the washroom. She made her way to the first floor washroom while clearing sand that was embedded in the tear glands of her eyes; as she walked a bit dazed, she managed to bump shoulders with someone.

  She slowly turned around and muttered an apology.

   “Good Morning, Sunshine.” A familiar voice laughed.

  That voice echoed in her ears, it was the voice from last night, it was Oliver. She opened her eyes widely which made Oliver chuckle by the sound of it. When her vision came to focus, he was standing sideways with his back slightly towards her, his left hand holding the back of his neck while his other hand was in his pocket and his hair showing that he woke up not too long ago but despite his morning appearance, he managed to pull a smile across his face.

  Ariella’s heart was beating at a tremendous pace; it made her wonder whether she liked him or Oliver’s conversation from last night was still lingering in her head.

   “Oliver!” Ariella said as she covered her mouth worried that she had morning breath.

  His smile turned into a one sided smile as he flicked a section of his bangs to the side, he turned his body to face Ariella with his hands remaining where they were. She noticed as Oliver tilted his head to the side, his face would slightly harden.

   “Are you okay?” She asked with concern

   “Stiff neck. I can’t wait to get back to my room.” He laughed.

  Ariella gave a soft laugh but when her laughter faded, she found herself in an awkward situation for she had nothing to say and her appearance was lacking.

   “Sorry, I was just on my way to freshen up.” Ariella blurted out to make conversation.

   “Well, it should be my fault for stopping you. It was nice seeing you.” He said with a subtle tone. It made Ariella confused. Did Oliver like her or not? Was he trying not to seem eager?

  Ariella gave a smile and turned around but once she was a few steps away from Oliver, his voice shot up in the air.

   “Ariella,” He said in a gentle tone which she wasn’t used to.

  She turned around and watched as his eyes were facing the ground for a temporary moment as he rubbed the back of his neck, when he brought his head up, his eyes smiled.

   “About the Hogsmeade trip,” He flashed his eyes over to the side; it showed on his face that he was nervous but he was able to mask it better than she could.

   “How about we try again, you know, getting to know each other?” He looked up and lifted one eyebrow in curiosity.

  She stared at him for a brief second and looked deep in his eyes for sincerity. Her hesitant response made Oliver nervous despite him trying to hide it; she stared at him for another second before she released a sigh and a smile.

   “Are you personally asking me out?” She said confidently which she was surprised even though it didn’t show on her face.

  He laughed before he answered “Yeah.”

  She smiled and gave him a nod; her action brought a smile to his face and a twinkle in his eye. In the beginning, she planned on getting to know him too, but that was when he was anonymous. However, regardless whether he remained anonymous or not, she had to be true to her word and she was curious where this would lead her, where it would lead them.

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