Epilogue Part II - Forever and Ever

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∾ 𝄞 ∾
I'll love you forever and ever
Forever and ever
You'll feel my love
And no matter whether
We're apart or together
I can't ever forget you
I love you
Forever and ever
I love you
∾ 𝄞 ∾

"God, I have something to confess," Caleb said, staring up at the white emptiness that stretched as far as the eye could see. There were other souls there, but they weren't paying attention to him. There was more than enough room in heaven for all of them.

"Oh? Caleb, you do know I know everything, correct?" Caleb did know that, but he knew God wouldn't do what he wanted unless Caleb begged.

"I do. That's how I know you know what I want to do." He took a deep breath, hoping God would hear him out.

"That I do. I'm afraid it's not something I can do." Caleb knew that was a lie. God could do as he wished. "There are rules even I have to follow."

"I'll do anything, please. I'll trade my spot in heaven for it," Caleb blurted out. He couldn't believe he just said that, but he didn't want to take it back. He'd done a lot of wrong in his afterlife and he didn't deserve to be forgiven just like that. "Please, I want to do one good thing in my afterlife."

"Son, I have never sent someone to hell before," God replied. Caleb didn't care. He needed to do one good thing to cancel out all the horrible things he did. It wasn't possible to feel regret or guilt in heaven, but Caleb knew he had to do something to repay the kindness God gave him. He was so convinced he wouldn't end up in heaven, he didn't even think about what it would be like.

"You have to start somewhere," Caleb countered in the hopes that, eventually, God would cave to his only wish. "I understand that you wish to forgive all, but there are things which cannot be forgiven."

"I will think about it. But, I cannot promise I will trade one life for another. I probably won't." Caleb understood that much. But, he had to try.

On Earth, Luke was walking the streets of Los Angeles, realizing that, soon, he would be completely alone. Alex and Willie finally announced that they would be going to heaven at the end of the week. It'd been three months since Reggie left and, though the pain had lessened, Luke wanted his best friend back. It dawned on him that this was exactly what Bobby went through all those years ago, when they passed thanks to bad hot dogs.

Mari, coincidentally, was walking along the same crowded street, talking on the phone with Flynn. She still talked to Flynn nearly every day, and Julie and Carrie every week or two. Mari knew Julie and Carrie were just fine—apparently, they started dating, which surprised both her and Flynn. She didn't judge, though. She couldn't judge. Not after dating a ghost for two and a half years.

"Flynn, you've got nutso roommates. I mean, you'd have to be possessed to think that it's acceptable to have any of that stuff in your room." Mari told Flynn. Mari's roommates were fantastic, even if they did party and come back at two in the morning. Somehow, she slept through it and, when she woke up early, she never woke them up. She looked up and saw the back of Luke's head, but didn't immediately recognize him.

At least, not until he turned around. He only turned around because he thought he heard a familiar voice, but couldn't place it. When their eyes met, it was as if the whole world stopped for a moment. Mari's heart started to beat faster. Luke's heart still felt as shattered as the moment they broke up. Yet, they'd come to an unspoken agreement to talk once more. Even if it was just one more time.

"Hey, I've got to go." Mari hung up, and tucked her phone in her back pocket. She didn't want to believe it was Luke, but she knew better. Luke kept walking, but slower now to allow Mari to catch up with him.

"There's a place just around the corner." Luke said, leading her to the place that no one noticed, much less cared about. Once they got inside, however, the emotions that had flooded through both of them started to dissipate.

"What are you doing here, Luke?" Mari asked as soon as she knew they were clear and free of lifers. "I mean, I thought you had already crossed over. Julie told me Reggie did and, I don't know, I figured you and Alex did, too."

"Alex and Willie are crossing over at the end of the week. Then, it'll just be me left." She couldn't believe he stuck around for so long. She couldn't even imagine why. "I'll probably never leave, at this rate."

At least, until she died. He'd probably cross over once she passed, but no sooner.

"Why not? All your friends will be up in heaven." Mari pointed out, but that wasn't what was keeping him on Earth.

"But you're still here." Her jaw dropped slightly when she heard that.

"Luke, I've moved on. I'm dating other people. You need to move on, too." She couldn't believe he wanted her so desperately he was willing to give up heaven for her. Mari also couldn't believe she just lied so easily to him. She wasn't dating people. She hadn't moved on. Every single night, she spent at least a half hour wondering what life would've been like if Luke was alive.

If she hadn't let him go, would she be happier?

"Don't worry. I won't invade your life. I just watch from afar. Nothing more." Luke lowered his eyes to the floor, kicking himself for admitting that he still saw her every once in a while. "But, I can leave you alone, if that's what you want."

Up in heaven, however, God had finally made his decision. It wasn't easy, trading one soul for another, and doing what Caleb was asking for, that was even more difficult. It wasn't just trading one soul for another.

Caleb asked to be put in hell to allow Luke to become a lifer once more. To have his heart beat and live and love and grow old with the girl he'd fallen in love with. Caleb had learned to forgive when he was allowed into heaven. Yet, he was willing to sacrifice all that he had to see someone else happy. The last time he did that was while he was alive.

"Caleb, I have reached a decision. I cannot condemn someone to hell forever, however I can do it for a short period of time." Caleb didn't quite understand. "You will be in hell until Luke passes away once again and joins us in heaven. Luke will get a second chance at life because of you."

"Really?" Caleb asked. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. It wasn't as if God could lie, but he thought he was imagining it all.

"Yes. And he will live a normal life, as normal as any other life, thanks to you. Now, I have to ask you once again if this is what you wish."

"It is what I wish," Caleb confirmed.

"It will be done by the end of the week." And, just as God told Caleb, Luke turned into a human only minutes after Alex and Willie crossed over, bending space and time and rewriting history to set everything in motion.

A friend has granted you a second chance at life. Use it wisely.

Luke couldn't believe his eyes. Was he alive again? He pinched himself and, for the first time, it actually hurt.

So, he headed over to where Mari was at that very moment—running to the love of his life—and found her at the park. She always spent Saturday afternoons at the park.

"I love you, Mari. I will for the rest of my life." Luke pulled her off the ground and into a kiss.

It was the first kiss they'd ever shared, and she wouldn't replace it for the world. That memory would always stay with her.

"You're really here?" Mari looked into his eyes. They looked so much more alive. And, when she touched him, she could feel a faint pulse underneath her fingers. Every single one of her dreams had finally come true. As soon as he nodded, she pulled him in for another kiss, excited to share the rest of her life with him. "I love you, too, Luke."

Author's Note: That's a wrap! Luke is a human and with Mari. Alex, Willie, Reggie, and Lynn are all in heaven. Julie and Carrie are together. And Flynn, of course, is living her best life. Happy endings for everyone. Vote and comment your thoughts for the series. All the best, MistyRider921.

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