Now You're Gone

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∾ 𝄞 ∾
In the dawn
I used to be the one waiting for you to come home
Now you're gone
And I'm left behind to pick up the pieces of my heart
And since I know you're up in heaven
I hope you're happy now
I hope you're happy now
∾ 𝄞 ∾

After a long Thanksgiving Day, Carrie wanted to crash in her bed and do nothing for ten hours. Twelve, actually. It was only eight PM, yet she felt exhausted. Her dad had dropped her off at her dorm building no more than ten minutes ago. They'd spent most of the day together, eating far too much junk food and watching whatever they could find on TV that wasn't football. Both of them didn't like football at all, and decided that a baking show that had reruns going all day was a better option than most of the other programs running at the same time.

She changed into pyjamas and got completely ready for bed, collapsing into her plush mattress when her phone started to vibrate. It was Julie. What was Julie doing calling her? It didn't make any sense. But, she decided to pick up. It could be important and she had no reason not to answer.

"Carrie, oh thank heavens. I thought you wouldn't pick up." Carrie was tempted to screw with her and give the standard voicemail message until Julie continued talking. "My mom, she's gone. For good this time."

"I'm sorry Jules. Are you okay?" Julie's voice didn't sound shaky, but that didn't mean Julie wasn't falling apart. Carrie knew better than to assume that. She'd hidden plenty of her own emotions on phone calls, despite all odds.

"Oddly enough, I think I'm actually okay this time. I just can't tell dad or Carlos about this because they didn't know to begin with and, well, it's not like it matters anymore," Julie rambled on. Carrie couldn't imagine what it would be like to see her mom again after so many years. She would've probably been more freaked out than Julie was, and Julie actually summoned her mother back, against all odds.

"It was your mom's time. She'd had a good life and a pretty good afterlife, too. And, hey, you're doing pretty great right now. I'm sure she's proud of what you did." Carrie tried her best to console Julie. She wasn't sure whether she was doing it right because she couldn't see Julie's face. What Carrie didn't know was that Julie had, as she was talking, noticed a note on the coffee table.

"She left a note." Julie grabbed the paper.

To my amazing daughter,

You are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. I know you'll blow the whole world away one day. I'm proud of you and everything you've done. Even in heaven, I'll keep rooting for you.


Your number one cheerleader

She couldn't believe her mom had left her a note. Julie didn't expect that at all. All she expected, after finding out that she had officially crossed over, was nothing.

P.S. Tell your father and brother these were found in an old box you just unpacked. I figured they needed a final goodbye as well.

Her mother's handwriting was on two other papers, one of which was addressed to her father and one to her brother. This is what her mother needed to do to let go and cross over. Julie hated keeping the secret about Rose coming back from heaven, but this was Rose's final hurrah. And the secret didn't matter anymore.

"She's proud of me, Carrie," Julie breathed as soon as she remembered that she was on a phone call with her best friend.

"Of course she is. Who wouldn't be? You're one of the best people I've ever met. And I've met lots of famous people." Carrie managed to make Julie laugh as she curled up in bed.

"There's notes for Carlos and dad here. Is it cool if I call back tomorrow?" Julie asked, ready to go back into the main house and give the letters to her brother and father.

"Of course. Go give those to them. I'm sure they could use a final goodbye from Rose," Carrie agreed, her yawn cutting off half of the last word.

"And you go to bed. I'll call tomorrow. Promise." Julie hung up and took the letters. She held hers against her chest for a moment, letting the words flood over her as she gathered her courage. She had to do it though. Carlos and Ray deserved as much. Julie held the papers delicately, walking back inside. "Dad? Carlos?"

"What's up, honey?" Ray didn't notice the letters in his daughter's hand. It wouldn't have occurred to him to even look. He did, however, notice how sentimental she seemed to be at that moment.

"Where's Carlos?" Carlos quickly appeared to the left of her, after forcing himself to miss part of the football game that was playing on TV.

"Right here." Julie took a deep breath. She wasn't ready for this. But, she had to be.

"I have... I found... These are old letters from mom I found in a box I just started sifting through earlier today. They're addressed to you guys." Carlos and her father couldn't believe what they were seeing. She extended the letters towards each of them and they took the letters, heading to different rooms to read them.


I wish I could've seen you blossom into the wonderful young man I'm sure you are now. There's so much I wanted to show you. Promise me one thing: that you'll never let anyone dim the light that you give off. I will always love you, even if I'm not always going to be there.


Your number one cheerleader

Carlos couldn't believe it. After all this time, there was a note for him from his mother. From the woman he wanted to model his whole life after. She chased love and showed the world a kindness no one could ever come close to. Carlos held the letter close to his chest and let out a single tear. He wanted to tell her that he would always love her, too.

Ray, on the other hand, couldn't quite convince himself to open his letter. There was so much he wished he could've said before she died. And this was the last thing he would ever get from her.

His hands unfolded the paper, but his eyes couldn't look at the paper. Not yet, at least. So, instead, Ray forced himself to stick the paper in his pocket until later.

"Hey, kids, why don't we watch a movie and eat popcorn?" There was still a football game going on, so Ray wasn't entirely sure Carlos would be on board with his proposal.

"There's ten more minutes in the game. Can we wait just ten minutes?" Ray and Julie agreed, before deciding to start making snacks instead of just doing popcorn. Most things could just be tossed in the oven for fifteen or twenty minutes. Plus, all of the snacks Julie and Ray had in mind tasted far better than popcorn.

That night, after two movies (not one) and more snacks than they probably should've eaten after having a pretty filling Thanksgiving dinner, Ray sat down on his bed, hearing a crinkle coming from his pocket.

He couldn't even remember what he'd put in there. When he opened the paper, Ray instantly knew, but this time he didn't fold it back up. He read it.


I hope you know I love you more than heaven or Earth or the whole universe. Eternity wouldn't be long enough with you. There isn't enough love in the world that could compete with ours. Our forever love will always live in my heart. And our legacy will always live on in Julie and Carlos, who will become amazing because of the both of us.


The woman who will always love you

"I will always love you, too, Rose." Ray smiled, but he couldn't stop the flood of emotions that was running through him. There might not have been any tears, but that didn't mean he didn't feel like his heart was exploding. And not just with sadness, but also with love.

Author's Note: Rose is officially gone, but these letters are so sweet and cute. Vote and let me know what you think in the comments. All the best, MistyRider921.

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