Let Me Be

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I'm from a place called Paradise
You don't understand
But this place isn't mine
You need to let go of my hand
I'm from the heavens up above
Until you called me back down
But this place isn't mine, so let me be free
This place isn't mine, so let me be free
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"Julie, what are you talking about?" Carrie didn't understand what Julie had just said. What did she mean by "summoning her mother's ghost"?

"I—I can't explain on the phone. Can you drive back here?" She wasn't sure how much it would help to go over there, but her questions about the situation far outweighed her reluctance to drive over.

"Fine. Text me the address and where I can park." Carrie caved, and hung up after a slew of apologies from Julie.

"What was that all about?" Carrie had no idea herself.

"I think my friend is homesick, so I'm driving to where she is." Karter shrugged, but didn't ask any questions. Whatever ones he did have, he kept to himself. Carrie had to drop off the U-Haul trailer first, which Julie knew, then she'd drop by the school. Luckily, with the number of parking spots (and Carrie's uncanny ability to parallel park), she didn't have to look hard once she dropped off the hulking beast her little car hauled across the country.

It did not take long to drop off the trailer, as it had been paid in full prior to their departure thanks to her dad. She could, at least, thank her father for that. She had a lot to thank him for, actually.

Once she parked in a spot in front of Julie's dorm, which had a horrible name, she walked to the door and Julie met up with her at the front door. As soon as she got inside and checked in with the front desk—there were a lot of rules, including the fact that she could not leave the building and should be accompanied at all times. Carrie noticed the word "should", but she figured she'd never leave Julie's side. Unless, of course, it was to get Julie ice cream or chocolate or both.

"Thank you for coming. I think I'm going crazy. Do you see my mom in here?" They had just arrived in Julie's dorm, but Carrie couldn't see her. That was, until she could. Slowly, the image of Julie's mother came into view.

"I can now. Wait, where are your roommates?" It was only the first day, but Carrie could see the other two beds in Julie's room. The other two beds had sheets and comforters on them, but no one occupied them.

"They're at dinner, so I've got at least another half hour until they come back." If Carrie could see Mrs. Molina, who knew who else could see her.

"Carrie, it is fantastic to see you." Carrie's jaw dropped upon hearing Julie's mom's ghost speak. It wasn't the fact that she had talked that surprised her, but rather the shock that it was happening. She couldn't believe her eyes or ears or any of her three other senses. "Now, I believe Julie is still getting over the fact that I am here," Carrie could see how tense and shocked Julie still was, "but I need your help."

"I don't know what we can do, Mrs. Molina. I don't even know how you got here." Usually, this would be when Julie would jump in and begin to explain things. Carrie could see, however, that she would have to take matters into her own hands and gather the facts on her own.

"I'm afraid Julie is the only one who knows precisely what happened," Carrie sighed.

"Julie, I need you to explain exactly what's going on." Julie's shoulders shook under Carrie's fingers, pulling her out of her trance.

"What happened was that I played my mom's song and the next thing I know, she's standing on the other side of the piano, and looks the exact same as she did four years ago." Carrie couldn't believe it had been four years already since Julie's mother died. "I know as little as you guys do."

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