Golden Memories

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𝄃 𝄞♬♪ 𝄂
I've got so many golden memories
They've all but turned into dreams
Because I wake up and reality
Is nothing like I want
I've got many treasured moments
They've all but turned to dust
Because when I look around
I don't see anything I want
Ooh (Anything I want)
𝄃 𝄞♬♪ 𝄂

"What do you mean, 'he's gone'?" Alex's voice was a mixture of anger and sadness. The concept of Willie being gone was not one he'd ever contemplated.

"We ripped his spirit apart." Alex realized what that meant and disappeared from Caleb's club. He ended up in the Kaleidoscope after trying half a dozen other places. The memories he'd had there with Willie were enough to make it hurt just a little left.

"Willie, I can't do this without." Alex curled up at the edge of the stage, thinking about all the promises he wouldn't get to fulfill.

Alex, I promise you I'll never be far away.

He was now. So far away, Alex didn't even know what the place was called. And it hurt him to think that Willie might not be in heaven or hell at all, but there was nothing Alex could do anymore.

Willie, I promise you we'll figure out how to get you away from Caleb.

As he remembered the exact moment that promise was made, Alex let out a little laugh when he realized that he'd done that.

I promise I'll love you forever.

Forever ended when Willie vanished into thin air. And the eternity Alex would live without him would feel even longer than it ever could've before. The golden shimmers haunted his mind and the first of a thousand tears was shed. The smile Willie had when he walked out of his room at the Hollywood Ghost Club, stamp-free and all, was the only thing that made it hurt just a little less.

I have so many golden memories, but they're turning to dreams as my reality shifts and doesn't include what I want. All the treasured moments haunt me, but they're nothing because, when I look around, it doesn't include the only thing I want.

And all he wanted was Willie.

"Alex?" He heard the tell-tale sound of his friends poofing to the Kaleidoscope, but didn't look up. "Did it work?"

"Kind of," Alex started, but couldn't finish. The pain pulled him into the depths of hell while he had to live out the rest of his afterlife. His bottom lip quivered, and couldn't bring himself to say the gut-wrenching truth.

"Alex?" Luke's voice changed from excited to delicate. Alex was a glass on the verge of tipping. On the verge of shattering completely. "What happened?"

"He's gone." Luke didn't know what that meant. Why would Willie leave Alex? "For good." A moment passed. "Caleb and I— we... we ripped apart his spirit."

"Oh my... how?" Luke couldn't even wrap his mind around it all. "Do you even know how it happened?"

"We both wished so desperately for what we wanted for Willie that it ripped him apart." Alex explained, though not without nearly dissolving into tears just at the thought that Willie was gone forever.

"I'm so sorry, Alex. I can't imagine how you're feeling." Luke wrapped an arm around his bandmate. Some of the memories that Luke had of when they dated popped into his mind.

Luke, standing in Bobby's garage, waited for his boyfriend to show up. They'd only agreed to date secretly a couple weeks ago, and shared stolen moments together. He wiped his hands on his jeans just as Alex walked in with one of his many band shirts on.

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